It's been pushing 40 degrees for a week and I'm starting to think spring......

There is your brain and then your soul.

So there is the part where your body is somehow expecting shorts to get put on, tshirts.  Emotionally, in my heart I'm preparing for warm weather, my soul is like one of those little flowers you see pushing up through the last of the melting winter snow.

This isn't a problem except we are not even out of January. Intellectually I know that February is out there somewhere working up a sweat like a boxer punching the speed bag and the heavy bag with weighted hands. The bell for round one will ring and February will come out swinging - dropping haymakers and roundhouses on my ready-to-picnic-and-lay-in-the-grass psyche.

And it will hurt, a lot.  It will hurt more so than if it had just stayed cold. Sure I enjoy the riding it relatively tepid weather but when the bill comes due it'll have surcharges on it that will be steep.

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You're right.  Never trust a February.

I've been thinking that this is spring since Sunday.

Agree. It doesn't matter if I've lived here my entire life, the weather always manages to trick me. 

I saw birds (geese?) flying north today.  Does that mean something?

Only if they were followed by the four horsemen.

h' 1.0 said:

I saw birds (geese?) flying north today.  Does that mean something?

People, are we thinking here? We just had a frigid Nov.& Dec. Don't be fooled again by the 'weather professors'. Enjoy it now while you can, I'm going back to "Ice Station Zebra" to observe the next 'Polar Vortex'. Stay warm !

MK said:

Agree. It doesn't matter if I've lived here my entire life, the weather always manages to trick me. 


Riiiight! While the mild weather is nice but it's still 6 weeks until March and we have yet to get severe cold, except for those 3 days 2 weeks ago.

But I'll dream with you as long as 2014 is a memory.


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