It's great that the 606 has security in the evening hours now, but what's going on here?

Are they stopping him for going too fast or disorderly conduct or what?

It's ironic that last year we were concerned about crime on the 6O6 from groups of hoodlums in the evenings.
Now we are concerned about the inappropriate actions from the hired security on the 6O6 in the evenings. Sigh!

I still question whether the park district has a working video surveillance system on the 6O6. NBC5 Chicago reported last year that the system was inactive. "There are surveillance cameras at each entry point to the raised trail but no surveillance photos are ever released." From a Tribune story on 7-23-17.

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Bicyclist records confrontation with officers on The 606 Trail

By: Rafer Weigel

POSTED: MAR 01 2018 09:16PM CST

"There’s trouble on The 606 Trail after a cyclist got into a confrontation with park district police, and the battle was caught on camera.

The path is designed for bikers and joggers, but cell phone video shows a disturbing exchange between a biker and Chicago Park District security officers in an SUV. In the video, the biker has a few words for the driver who then chases after the biker at a high rate of speed, seemingly taunting the rider and appears to even run him off the road.

The video was posted to Instagram. It happened on The 606 Trail near Humboldt Park.

"I'm really shocked. Like that shouldn’t be happening on The 606,” said Kaydlin Shanklin.

"Nobody expects a car or an SUV here. it's not safe,” said Mike Callahan.

"I'm glad it didn't happen to me. And they shouldn't be up there,” said Lee Edwards.

The Chicago Park District says otherwise. FOX 32 sent them the video and received the following response: “Our director of security is investigating the incident. And yes, authorized vehicles are allowed on The 606. They do patrol the area.”

But people FOX 32 spoke to said they've never seen patrol cars on the path.

Riders say the solution is to put patrols on two wheels, instead of four.

"The security should have their own bike not a car because a car on a path people like go on the path to ride bikes and stuff. And like you don't want to get hit,” Shanklin said."

I see Chicago police occasionally in cars like they do along the LFT and park district vehicles with flashing Yellow lights. The problem is the people committing crimes see them coming and either sit on a bench or hang out on the lower sides after hours.

Just have cameras at every access point and a few facing down the path.

On sunny warm weekend days the cops are by Damen and Milwaukee making sure everyone is safe when no crimes ever occur.

"Crime on the 6O6 rarely solved, cameras inactive".

NBC5 investigations reveals that security cameras on the 6O6 are inactive and not able to record criminal activity for security or identification on the trail.

Is there any bike advocacy group to protest this kind of thing? The security dude was clearly in the wrong and the Park District didn't come right out and condemn him or revise their policies or try to do anything except say they're investigating. I think you can condemn the actions without compromising the investigation. This is outrageous and is a bad look for the park district and the city.

I believe that this community in this forum has been active in appealing to the city and park district for a safer and more secure trail on the 6O6.
I would hope that they would examine their current security policy and take the suggestions from members here to implement a security force using E-bikes or other smaller environmentally friendly vehicles.
We also hope that they would implement an effective/improved and updated video surveillance system to monitor activities on the 6O6.

3-7-18 10:34pm
The Chicago Park District is now claiming in their investigation on the 606 between security and the cyclist, that the cyclist hit and or ran into the security vehicle. The security officer wanted to pull over the cyclist to find out why.
I've rewatched the video and I cannot detect any contact.
The park district investigation also explains that, "the passenger seen reaching out the window was another cyclist who had already been picked up by security when their bicycle malfunction."
Really? ! Was he authorized to act in behalf of the district to stop the cyclist? This is just too shady.

That’s super shady, but predictable victim blaming out of the parks district. 

Not it that I believe he hit the security vehicle, but how about, because it’s too wide and shouldn’t have been there in the first place. 

Sounds like a bunch of hot garbage. I want more accountability out of the park district. 

Are you this cyclist? Does anyone recognize this cyclist?
The park district claims that the bearded person in the video was a 'distressed' cyclist who was being aided by security.
If you are this cyclist, and would like to share (anonymously?) your side of the story with the cycling community, please come forward.

I think it's "Earl" from "My Name is Earl."

Honestly, what I saw captured on the video was a bunch of asshats — the security driver, the “bearded passenger”, AND the cyclist.

I am not claiming that I have NOT been that very assmole who gets indignant over perceived offenses -- however, the dude here had plenty of room to navigate. His panties (and some of those chiming in here) are in a bunch because you don’t feel the vehicle should be on the path in the first place. That can certainly be debated. However, this doesn’t become a safety issue until the security vehicle begins to drive at excessive speed and appears to try to cut off the cyclist. This is a classic example of escalation where someone is more likely to get seriously hurt.

Still spinning,

In fairness to the cyclist, and i've posted in the past a video of a car driving down the 6O6 after entering on Ridgeway, he may have been unfamiliar to the sight and shocked to see the small truck driving down the path in the darkness of the evening without recognizing it as security and shouted out in warning, "you're on a path."
Yes Curt(is), escalation can get you somewhere where you don't want to be most of the time.


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