A long shot I know, but I just aquired a 1960 Atala road bike that I would like to restore to it's original glory, or somewhat close to it.


I have much to trade or cash.


Potential trade items include, but not limited to......


Park Tool bench mount work stand

Various 4130 grade MTB frames

Various 4130, Reynolds 531 road frames

A few touring frames


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The best place to ask about this sort of thing is on the Classic Rendezvous google group.

I have a 1970 Atala Super Professional. Would love to see pix of your '60.

Hey Skip......thanks for the lead.

I purchased the Atala at the Madison bike swap, from bargainguy over at bikeforums. He started a thread on it a while back...... 1960 (?) Atala road bike  still in it's "as found" condition except he removed the saddle.


If you know of any additional info resources I would be interested in learning more about this bike.



Nice. The Ideale saddle probably wasn't original to the bike either, and it clearly needed a bit of work, so no great loss.

A 1971 Atala Competizione passed through my hands briefly. It had a Record leather saddle (I was told they were common on Bianchis of that era), which I tried on my commuter. I liked it so much I neglected to take it off. All was well until I got caught in a downpour on the way home one day. :-( I believe you have a number of choices for "correct" saddle. As long as it's a suspended leather saddle, you probably can't be too far off. My Atala is one of my favorite bikes. It fits me perfectly. Rode both Dairyland Dare and the North Shore Century on it last year.

There is a small Atala page on the CR site. It includes a publicity poster which might be NSFW, so use your judgement, but from what I've seen was pretty much par for the course BITD. There are a few Italian bike blogs worth skimming:

The third one has a bunch of catalogs. I haven't checked to see if he has any old Atala catalogs, but even if not, he might have something in the 1950s-60s range which will give you some ideas about how road bikes of that period were outfitted.

I have a cottered crank from an old Coppi. Thinking it might be a Gnutti.

Are you Todd the plumber?

Oh, and Skip I bought the Viking you outed on BF.

Hey Paul............Yes, Todd the plumber.


I'd be interested in seeing some pics...........would you happen to have a BB to go with it?


You can email me @ mcboring@comcast.net


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