Just updated this forum name from - "International Thoughts - 3 Chainlinkers Travel through Israel" to just "International Thoughts".


So coincidentally, three Chainlinkers just happen to be on the same tour of Israel; Fiona, Rebecca and Julie. We are having a blast! Fiona is taking a bunch of Israeli bike porn.. The three of us are drooling over all the bikes ewe are seeing in the markets, streets and even the Old City.

So here is the question we pose - What have your expereinces been regarding biking in foreign countries? Have you been surprised at what these counties do for bikers?

Excuse the spelling, I'm paying for this internet.

Love and Peace to all from Jerusalem

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That's so cool! Im jealous also! I was just about to ask you if you had a blog on Crazyguy. It's a cool message board for touring cyclist.

Julie Hochstadter said:
It's my first time (and maybe only time) blogging - http://journeyswithjulie.blogspot.com/

I will update as I can. We are n Budapest now and leave Sunday for Israel. Hope we get on our flight...

Aaron Bussey said:
I'm jealous Julie of your international biking - I want to see pictures when you are home!


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