Winter riding seems better suited to internal gears. I've been eyeballing SRAM internally geared hubs pretty hard, especially the SRAM/Sachs Spectro - any reviews/opinions?

After a lot of searching around I've concluded that my dream bike would look a lot like a Thorn Tour:

How do I accomplish something reliable that is like this (for less that $500 perhaps) without having to worry if the hub will fail? I'd really like to ditch my derailleur on the winter bike for fast shifting when I hit a pile of snow.

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Changed my mind. I'm entitled after more than 6 months (...or less...)

Arrak Thumrs said:
First dream bike I've ever heard of for "less than $500". Pointless discussion.
Ha ha. I thought Matt was talking about the converting a hub/wheel for less than $500.
Soma has a wheelset for $269, that I was thinking about using for winter. Only three speeds (probably enough for me).

If you don't somehow believe these epitomize a tremendous feat in engineering and racing design then I would assume you have not been thorough in your reading.

Video_Drome said:
Matt M. said:
Nope. Still derailleur. I built up a touring bike instead....... My next big step is purchasing a folding bike.

seems like a big step behind if you ask me


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