Interesting Post on WBEZ Blogs about the Thought You Knew Calendar.

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I think it is interesting that the person upset and causing most of the stir, and all of the people showing up to support them, are new, or very inactive, members here. 


Here is a really good question:

I knew where the money was going; why didn't the people who were in the calender?  If you are going to donate your tome to something why would you not put in the small effort required to see were the funding goes?  Whose fault is it that you assume things are just going to be the same?  Could Alexis have done a better job?  Yeah, probably, but as I stated before I knew where the money was going and I am not affiliated with the calender, don't know the organizer, and generally don't really care about it all.


Is it really that big a deal where the money goes as long as it does some good?  Now, I think that CWHC is a great organization doing good things so I don't want to detract from that but here is another good question:

This is a calender about women on bikes, where does it make the most sense for the funds to go; a well funded group advocating women's health or a project working to help women feel more comfortable on bikes, in bike shops and riding?  Yeah, WTB has ladies/trans night but why not things like that and why not have them all over the place?


Yeah, it sucks the whole venture is leaving Chicago but what are you going to do?  It's still doing good things, right?


I'm sorry if I come off as dismissive of peoples concerns here but most of the complaints come down to volunteers who did not do their due diligence and made assumptions and are now pissed about it. 


I also want to add this: I am lukewarm on the TyK thing as a whole for a variety of reasons and lukewarm on Alexis Finch for a whole other variety of reasons but I commend both TyK and Alexis because they are trying to effect positive change and that is never an easy task.  People tend to second guess you and nay say every choice you make.  If you dislike the way things went go start your own organization and go try and make something like this happen and see how things go.


Of course if none of these 'Monthly Cycle' things happen it'll all be a different story...



Farmer Ted said:

I am all about critical thinking and all I know that after reading all the hostility from the Finch supporters maybe they should maybe look at it from a different point of view.

It has been made pretty clear over the years that the pinups (whether you agree that they HELP women or are just some glorious excuse to be bike suicide girls) have been linked to the Women's Health Center.

You can throw the explanations from the TyK web pages (and whatever this Kickstart thing is supposed to be and I am not even sure what this Monthly Cycle thing is either) at us, and even after reading it twice I am not really sure what it is funding or how it is supposed to help women issues with biking.

The bottom line is, from this perspective and Sandra's, that it is the impression that the money was going to where it had always been going and that the community at large was under that same impression. I was even under that impression and frankly, because of all this, I am not buying one (more because I think the money should have stayed with CWHC, but whatever).

If i was volunteering for this thing I would want to know exactly where the cash is going, especially if you are using my likeness as the basis of your personal mission to fix womens issues in cycling.

Also, if i was supporting this as a sponsor I would certainly expect something more professional from the person promoting it by making it very clear where the cash was not going this year. If I had dropped some bank on this, even as a friend helping a friend, I certainly would be able to understand the dismay at one of the people volunteering and getting told at the last minute that the thing i was working with wasn't even close to what I was under the impression it was.

As for the communication with CWHC? I at least called the CWHC more than once to make sure they were on board with where I was going with a project that had been linked to my named so intimately. It certainly would be better than reading a WBEZ blog about how she didn't call at all.

So, yeah, Sandra, and any of the others working on that pinup who were surprised at where the money was going, have the right to be a little pissed. And if I was friends (or a sponsor or good intentioned whatever) with TyK I should be able to see that side of the issue and not just blindly spout off and stick up for something that obviously could have been prevented and THAT leaves everyone with the impression that foul play is/was/maybe/not involved.


Everyone, have a pleasant evening...

I am confused to how words such as "many" or "most" began to describe the pinups and our feelings . I am in the calendar and I was aware where the proceeds were going, as were at least 2 other women in the calendar that I spoke directly to, it was writen out all over the internet if you look, and verbally told to the whole group. I really do not think that majority of people purchased this calendar did so because of where the money is going, but instead to have some amazing cyclists on their wall! I chose to be in the calendar because I think I am a great example of why women should be in cycling. Most of my girlfriends ride bikes and are some of the most amazing women I have ever met. While doing this calendar I met many other amazing women and got to talk about biking and being girls. The money is going to help other girls confidently do the same. Shit if it was up to me all the money would go to the girls that did hair, making, photography, filming and other editing. These are the true girls who donated there time. Me I just got to get all made-up and play pretty, which is nowhere near the norm in my life.
Thanks to everyone who is supporting TyK! And stop bitching about a good cause!

Sandra's 1st post concluded with: "Now the money has moved to SF with Alexis, perfect timing to skip town."

I think you'll agree that "skip town" has a negative connotation and implies that the "skipper" is trying to keep ahead of the authorities, or worse. For the record, I am not an Alexis, CWHC, or TYK cheerleader. My response was based solely on what I perceived as an accusation of wrongdoing with a lack of support. If it was perceived by you, or others, as sarcastic, I apologize. That was certainly not my intent. I've met Alexis once, talked to her for about 5 minutes; never heard of the CWHC until, well, until the 1st TYK calendar came out 3 years ago; and never bought a TYK calendar before this year. When I was contacted about the kickstarter campaign by one of the models, I checked what the money was being used for, and signed up. 

As Laura has so eloquently pointed out, words like "most" and "many" may not be apt quantifiers for the number of models who were "mislead" about how the proceeds from the sale of the calendars would be used. To date, the scorecard for 2012 models is 2-2. And I know the two models who knew how the proceeds would be used.

So, could the new direction that TYK was taking have been better communicated? Apparently.

Was there ample information about the new direction that TYK was going to anyone who cared to inquire? Absolutely. 



Spartacus said:


To Dug, in the last thread you insinuted that Sandra had accused Alexis of skipping town and taking all the money. "Missing info is one thing; turning your missing info into a plot for the person in charge to skip the state with the profits is an entirely different thing."  This "plot" was first stated sarcasticly by Kevin C. Sandra never accused her of stiffing people. She stated that the money is leaving Chicago, which by the kickstarter page is correct, and wanted to know how it was being spent.


When I joined the 2012 lineup, I was told by Alexis that the money was going to CWHC. She and I had conversations since then and it was obvious that she wanted to do more things with the organization, but it was never made clear to me, or to some others, that none of the proceeds were going to CWHC. She works incredibly hard on this and I don't think it's unfair that she personally be compensated or that she use the funds to start additional projects (The Monthly Cycle, etc), but I do think communication was lacking on her part, as I have told her directly. What she does from there with that is up to her. I, however, am making a donation to CWHC on the part of all of my friends who pledged to Kickstarter and pre-ordered calendars thinking proceeds would go there.

It sucks that she did not make that clear; I hope you made it clear to her that you were upset.


Congratulations on dealing with the issue like an adult.  It sounds like you dealt with her, expressed your displeasure and then moved on without causing a scene on facebook, here, or anywhere else.


This is a much more reasonable way to point out and address your issues; other people could learn from it.


Elisha Marshall said:

When I joined the 2012 lineup, I was told by Alexis that the money was going to CWHC. She and I had conversations since then and it was obvious that she wanted to do more things with the organization, but it was never made clear to me, or to some others, that none of the proceeds were going to CWHC. She works incredibly hard on this and I don't think it's unfair that she personally be compensated or that she use the funds to start additional projects (The Monthly Cycle, etc), but I do think communication was lacking on her part, as I have told her directly. What she does from there with that is up to her. I, however, am making a donation to CWHC on the part of all of my friends who pledged to Kickstarter and pre-ordered calendars thinking proceeds would go there.

I do find it unfortunate that there is/was confussion on where the proceeds were going this year. And that it has upset a couple ladies to the point of handling the situation very poorly and negatively. However, the calendar had never been about where it donates the money ( bc from the start they didnt know how successful it would be become or that there would be money to donate), it always been about WOMEN GETTING CONFIDENT. I submitted to the calendar this year just for that alone. To get confident with myself in an environment I am not always so confident. Everything that Alexis hopes a pin up will get out of the experience, I did get. I knew before walking in my shoot where the proceeds were going and I think its great that its going to women, biking, and confidence. The exact point the calendar is making. Majority does not buy the calendar solely bc money went to support CWHC, they bought it bc its awesome ladies looking great with their bikes. And its great that TyK is branching out to other cities. Yea its nice that it was Chicago only the past 4 years but let some other cities get the awesome experience I did. TyK did say something on their facebook during the survey submissions for 2012 ladies about other cities for the next year too.


I wish that we could all step back and take a look at how ridicules this has all become.  I, for one, am really really proud of working for and being a part of TyK. Personally, being new to the biking community when I started with TyK, it was exciting and encouraging to be around so many strong women in the cycling community.  Being in an all-female setting is rare, and with a roomful of such amazing women, I know I'm not the only one who was encouraged and empowered, with a new sense of confidence in the saddle. -- THIS is what TyK is about.  Fuck the money.  Who cares where it goes?! Alexis is right, it's a bonus.  And it's exciting that while we are changing women for the better, we can donate a little cash somewhere else.  
I think it's a shame that there are women who are or were part of this project in years past, that feel the need to tear one another down.  Who purposely seek out media attention to hurt each other. Where is our dignity ladies? This is what I would love to see a WBEZ article about.  The fact that women agree to be a part of project who's main goal they are fully aware of (with the controversy over not knowing where the money was going, the goal and purpose of TyK has never been a "secret" and has stayed consistent year after year) and deliberately attack each other in a public way.  I think it's disgraceful and embarrassing.
I want to state that I knew, all along, that the money was not going to CWHC this year.  Alexis was very transparent about it, and when she told me, it didn't seem like something she was trying to keep a secret.  I really believe that, to her, the money is secondary and this project has a greater purpose. With that said, I read part of the other post about this issue (couldn't get through it all) and there's a line that says something along the lines of *I donated 4 hours of my time one day, and another 3 to do the topless and leg shot and I had no idea where the money was going* Two responses to this:
1. Shame on you for not doing your research and assuming things.  If you're donating 7 hours of your time, make sure you're informed.  Lesson learned.
2. I donated 60+ hours of my time, including a few sleepless nights, and got to spend a lot of them with a lot lovely ladies.  In a more one-on-one setting, I got to chat with them all, including the ladies making these nasty accusations.  And I pretty vividly recall conversation ALWAYS leading back to how amazing this project is because of how empowering it is.  And how great it is to be in an all-female setting where you can be confident. You're not judged by other women but instead made to feel your best.  Never once did conversation lead to where the money was going.  If it had, I would have corrected you.  Like I said, I've known all along. So if you really were just doing this because of where the money was going, you sure did a good job at keeping it to yourself.  
Again, I think it's sad that this is what this has all turned into. I hope that the women involved are still as proud of being a part of this as I am. 


Might I add, this "many" or "most" thing is bull.  I have an email thread 10 strong that shows that not most, and not even many, were so hurt and upset by this.  



I only donated so i could try to be in next year's calendar.




Ed said:

I only donated so i could try to be in next year's calendar.

How 'bout a calendar where this is the photo for every month of the year?

Duppie said:


Ed said:

I only donated so i could try to be in next year's calendar.

Ask and you shall receive...  i have one for every month!

Kevin C said:

How 'bout a calendar where this is the photo for every month of the year?

Duppie said:


Ed said:

I only donated so i could try to be in next year's calendar.


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