Emily and I decided at the last minute to attend Interbike. Our Po Campo bags are going to be a part of the Urban Legend fashion show and we thought it'd be a good chance to meet other industry folk. Is anyone else going? Any suggestions of a company that might want to share a booth with us? It'd be nice to have a home base with a company whose products complement ours. Thanks!

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There was a previous thread on this.
Anyway, hope you get to go and see this bike. Probably the most interesting new bike I've heard of so far. I'll have to start coming up with reasons why I need yet another bike
Trek is selling a belt drive commuter (if you can call a > $1k bike a commuter) now also. Last night I bought some raffle tickets benefiting the Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail to win one!

Duppie said:
There was a previous thread on this.
Anyway, hope you get to go and see this bike. Probably the most interesting new bike I've heard of so far. I'll have to start coming up with reasons why I need yet another bike Frank
You're correct. Bikes with belt drives and IGH hubs have been on the market for a while now. What makes this one unique though , is that it is a relaxed road geometry, has drop bars with STI style shifters, and that it is the first bike from Civia that I would consider affordable (even though that is somewhat subjective)

Tony Adams said:
Trek is selling a belt drive commuter (if you can call a > $1k bike a commuter) now also. Last night I bought some raffle tickets benefiting the Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail to win one!

Duppie said:
There was a previous thread on this.
Anyway, hope you get to go and see this bike. Probably the most interesting new bike I've heard of so far. I'll have to start coming up with reasons why I need yet another bike Frank
Wow! I'd never heard of Civia before. They seem like a pretty great company. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.
"Civia is dedicated to making bicycles a major form of transportation in the 21st century. We believe that together—as a community of cyclists—we can make the landscape greener, the air more breathable and improve the quality of life for all."

I love that. I am a bit sad that like Nau and Whole Foods and a host of other joints I'm sure, it still seems like Doing the Right Thing is still a privilege reserved for the rich. I don't consider a bicycle that costs more than $1k affordable - but as you note, that is a relative term.

Duppie said:
You're correct. Bikes with belt drives and IGH hubs have been on the market for a while now. What makes this one unique though , is that it is a relaxed road geometry, has drop bars with STI style shifters, and that it is the first bike from Civia that I would consider affordable (even though that is somewhat subjective)
Frank Tony Adams said:
Trek is selling a belt drive commuter (if you can call a > $1k bike a commuter) now also. Last night I bought some raffle tickets benefiting the Friends of the Cal-Sag Trail to win one!

Duppie said:
There was a previous thread on this.
Anyway, hope you get to go and see this bike. Probably the most interesting new bike I've heard of so far. I'll have to start coming up with reasons why I need yet another bike Frank
Bring back schwag for all of the Chainlink. k thx ;-)
I'm going as the buyer for our shop; I got in on the free admission for buyers that ended August 19. We carry FUJI Bikes, and I want to compare their new 2010s (some of which are ugly) with all of the other brands that will be represented. I'm going to check out Outdoor Demo that Tuesday and Interbike trade show Wednesday. Still need to make flight and hotel arrangements.

Maria, I'll look for the Po Campo booth and say hi if I find you.

Hi PD, we just made our travel arrangements yesterday. The flights were pretty picked over (we ended up on Southwest) though we got a killer deal at the Best Western close to the convention center for $55/night. Hope to see you there! What shop are you with?

Primitive Don said:
I'm going as the buyer for our shop; I got in on the free admission for buyers that ended August 19. We carry FUJI Bikes, and I want to compare their new 2010s (some of which are ugly) with all of the other brands that will be represented. I'm going to check out Outdoor Demo that Tuesday and Interbike trade show Wednesday. Still need to make flight and hotel arrangements.

Maria, I'll look for the Po Campo booth and say hi if I find you.

i'll be there.


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