Injured my arm today in a fall...not quite sure what to do...

Hey everyone. 

So I was biking down a one way residential street today, took a turn and a combination giant and unexpected pothole followed by a speed bump and some panic caused me to take a tumble on my bike. I flipped over and had to kick my bike away, and came down pretty hard on my wrist/arm. The wrist pain felt like a sprain so I wasn't too worried, I finished my bike ride home and slapped on an old wrist brace...

Fast forward about seven hours and I've got my whole arm in a makeshift sling now and it's swelled up to the point where I can't full extend/relax my arm in a fully straight position. 

I've never had a broken bone before so I have no idea if I've broken my arm or if it's just bruised to the point where I can't extend it. I have full control of my fingers and the rest, I just start to get pain when trying to straighten it out. I can't feel anything broken so I'm not sure what's going on. Trying to avoid crazy medical bills to the hospital so figured I'd ask my fellow bikers first. 

Have any of you experienced anything like this? Any ideas how serious this could be? Any advice would be appreciated.


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Dan, at least go to an immediate care facility where they can take an x-ray.  It will be less than an ER visit and faster, too.  It is unlikely that you could "feel" anything broken unless it were really severe.  And in the interim, ice it!

If your a Vet go to the VA hospital.  I was in the AF and when I picked up a lung infection the cost was nil.  Friday night though on a 3 day weekend isn't the best.

Don't be shy post a pic.


Sorry about your injury, Dan.  If it were me, I'd probably head over to an emergency room nearby and have them look at it and x-ray for broken bones.  If you don't have insurance, tell them that upfront, and I should think they'd help you anyway.  Or call Stroger Hospital--see if they'll see you without insurance.  It's pretty easy to get there on the Blue Line subway (exit at Medical Center, walk to the western ramp and go south a block).

I broke a wrist years ago, falling while rollerblading.  It's no fun.  Good luck.

If any Chainlinkers work at area hospitals, please chime in with better advice.

Yeah..... sounds like going somewhere for them to check it outs like the best idea. Good luck and heal fast. Potholes can get the best of us.

Could be Compartment syndrome.  This is when you are bleeding into your arm and it is swelling.  When it swells, it will compress the arteries enough to cut off blood flow into your arm.  And without blood flow your arm will die and gangrene will set it.



Likely to require surgery.

Which was the place you went to, the Jesse Brown Medical? I've been meaning to go there anyway and get all registered up anyhow...

Haddon said:

If your a Vet go to the VA hospital.  I was in the AF and when I picked up a lung infection the cost was nil.  Friday night though on a 3 day weekend isn't the best.

Don't be shy post a pic.


It was in Philly years ago, Jesse Brown is where you want to go.  They might just ship you over to Cook county considering the time of day. But of our own Chainlink version of Dr House is right you should go see the doctor, now.


Naturally the best thing to do is get treated.  As someone else has suggested, if cost is an issue I would try and be seen perhaps by the County Hospital or at an urgent care center.

Now let me tell you how I have successfully treated my bike and other sports related injuries. 

I have broken and sprained wrists and shoulders. If you had a severe break of your wrist or arm, you would know it. The pain would be excruciating and it is  likely there would be some loss of nerve feeling in the fingers. So the chance you have a severe break is relatively small.

However you could have a hairline or other small fracture.  Given what you have written, and your concern over medical bills, I don't see a huge downside in icing the injury and waiting until 4 or 5 tomorrow to see how you and your wrist feel.  As the swelling goes down you should be able to tell  if it's a muscle issue or if there is a specific point of pain, which normally points to a bone injury. 

If you determine it's a sprain I have had success with going to the Web and finding authoritative diagnostic and treatment information.  

For example, I  fell of my bike two years ago and my shoulder was in severe pain.  Against the advice of others I iced immediately, went to sleep, and the next day was able to figure out I had a rotator cuff injury.  My symptoms matched exactly what I found written at a credible sports medicine site by an orthopedist who was well credentialed (good med school), board certified, etc. He had excellent videos on You Tube that described the exercises to treat rotator cuff injury.  After a few months my shoulder felt fine. The protocol I followed was exactly what any good orthopedist would describe.  I've used this approach with other muscular type injuries.  

I realize that self medication is probably not something most people on this forum here want to endorse. I only do it when I believe - based on my experience -that I don't have something severe enough (i.e. a break) that warrants a doctor visit/hospital trip. I'm on a high deductible plan but admittedly also a little stubborn about these things.:)   In the example above I told myself that if after several days if I didn't see any significant reduction in swelling/pain I would go get treated.

Anyway I write this  as a layperson, not a medical professional. I hope this helps and that you feel better soon.

Thanks jolodon30, and everyone else who've offered up some advice. 

I got on the phone with a triage nurse and she couldn't pinpoint anything too severe sounding but that I should probably get it checked out just to be on the safe side. I'm going to sleep and see if there's any change in the morning. I'll likely be headed to the emergency room at the VA hospital tomorrow and see what all they can do for me. 

In the mean time, thanks everyone. I'll provide updates as time goes on.


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