Info about Accident 5/24/11 at 7:30 am on Damen bridge just north of Fullerton



Someone got hit this morning by three young guys driving an old Toyota Corolla that were heckling a bunch of other cyclists on Damen this morning. The guy seemed fine but his bike was shot. I am not sure if the guy was able to find the guy but I did see the guys in the Corolla earlier at the Mobil on 4638 North Damen around 7:10/7:15 this morning. The gas station might have video survelliance of the guys and the car.


Wasn't sure where to post this info so the guy could find it.  If anyone knows the guy that got hit this morning, please pass this on to him.


Be safe!



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If anyone knows who was hit, please encourage them to call our Crash Support Hotline 312.869.HELP (4357).


Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

Great job gathering and sharing info...we need more of this working together to better our roads!!!
I hope they find out who did this and actually do something about it.  Hopefully the guy wasn't hurt and gets compensated for his damages.  I am not too optimistic that anything will happen to the hit & runners even if they get caught other than having to pay damages if they have any money.


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