Does anyone have any recommendations for an good indoor trainer?

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I have the cycleops fluid 2 trainer and like it quite a bit: .  Closest thing to a road-feel that I've found in a trainer.  A fluid trainer will cost more than a magnetice-resistance trainer, but I think the extra price is really worth it.   
I have a cycleops fluid trainer as well and I've liked it.  However, I think the Kurt Kinetic trainer is slightly better since the fluid unit is sealed so your trainer won't develop a leak.  Plus with the rock'n'roll frame, your bike can actually rock side to side while pedaling allowing you to get closer to a real road feel.
It is really hard to get any real structured workouts outdoors in the winter.I ride outside all year round but training is much easier indoors. I own a cycleops fluid trainer, but prefer computrainer classes. There are several places that offer them with a coach that will give you the motivation to stick with it throughout the winter. If not more then likely your indoor trainer will hold your bike and become a clothes rack, like your nordictrac and the stair stepper.
I don't know what your budget is like but look into a computrainer from racermate. Alternatively, you could go to a multi-rider location for 'group rides' on your bike with their trainers. Cool stuff. I gave my other trainer away when I got my computrainer.
How about joining an indoor CompuTrainer facility? I have been going to the Taste of Vison Quest (VQ) for the last three winters and it is the best thing you can do for the winter.
I have a cyclops fluid as well and I like it if I want to do a video workout, but I love my Kreitler rollers. I got them used for about $100 or so 8 years ago and love them. They looked mint when I got them and still look just as good and roll just as smooth. Actually riding outside is my preference too, but sometimes it's pure ice.

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M.A.R.K. said:

Ride more.. Outdoors. Nothing beats the real road.. Am I right or am I right?

yes. that. so right. even if you only get out for an hour, being outside on a bike...

that being said, i do wanna give the rollers a try just for shitsngiggles, maybe as a warm up before heading OUTSIDE

In my experience, rollers are the closest mankind has ever come to manufacturing a device which enables time travel. Whether listening to music, watching movies or sporting events, when I've ridden rollers, every clock in view actually goes backwards.
What's your budget?  That will help narrow down the options.
Thanks all for the suggestions.  I would like to spend less than $300 on this.  If that is possible.
I have a kurt kinetic that is a couple years old that I'm not currently using. I'd be happy to let you test ride it for a week to see how you like it.


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