With winter coming up, I'm looking for some options to keep my fitness up during the cold months. I plan on riding outdoors as much as I can, and maybe taking some spin classes or getting a training stand or something. However, I was hoping to find some sort of indoor riding option. I'm not much of a BMXer and the only indoor velodromes I know about are in CO and CA. I see some stuff about plans for a Chicago one, but nothing concrete. 

Are there any other options that I'm not considering?

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There are plenty of indoor training classes where you ride your bike on a computrainer. Wellfit, Iron cycles, and vision quest would be great places to start looking.
Thanks for the info. What are the benefits of doing this, as opposed to getting some cheap training stand and doing it at home?

While I do plan on doing stationary riding, I'd like to supplement this with some actual riding where I don't have to freeze my ass off. I was hoping to find some sort of indoor track or something, but I guess there is nothing around here like that...
I find it easier to train when it is structured, Last winter I trained 2 weekdays and 1 day on the weekend at wellfit. Having a set time and day to train was the key for me, if left to my own devices I would have slacked. The computrainers vary the resistance to simulate real world conditions. There are great classes to build your strength, endurance and power output. They will test your Vo2 max and give you a training wattage number to use as a guideline. I forgot to mention Kristen's pedal with a purpose, although I have never tried her classes everyone who has raves about em.
I'm a big computrainer fan. Vision Quest and Element Tri Sport have group classes available. Check http://www.computrainer.com/RM_inc/sales/centers_multirider.html for multi rider facilities near you.
Kristen Meshberg runs a winter training program. Here is her brochure. From her blog - "PWP will be held in the same building as last year, 1821 W. Hubbard, but in a new bigger and more awesome space on the first floor."


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