Thank god someone is thinking about the shortage of suburban style restaurants in the city.

And the lucky neighborhood is:

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I think we need to be sure that there are no unlicensed street-vendors or evil food trucks prowling around this area, and that the locally-owned mom & pop restaurants have all their T's dotted and their I's crossed on their food permits, payroll books, and liquor licenses.  We wouldn't want anyone getting sick because of such scofflaw behavior would we?

I'm sure that the Olive Garden™ corporate legal dream team has all their permits and paperwork squared away neatly as a button -and having the local Alderman in their back pocket sure has to be nice insurance too, just in case. 

I feel strongly about the rules!

Having gone to law school at Costo I learned all about electrolytes and stuff...

First of all: LOL LOL
Second: I'm with Jennifer, when is it opening? I'd love me some Olive Garden food

James BlackHeron said:

I feel strongly about the rules!

Having gone to law school at Costo I learned all about electrolytes and stuff...

Later this year. As of Saturday, they hadn't broken ground.

Jennifer on the lake said:

Back to the point, when is Olive Garden opening? I haven't had mediocre Italianesque food since yesterday when I tried to make it myself.


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