The Chainlink

A few reasons why I'm thankful for the chainlink:


Because of my involvement I:


1. met my fiancé

2. met a slew of new, sassy, hilarious friends

3. rode across Iowa

4. own two bikes and am looking for a third (I'm hooked)

5. have seen a new side to Chicago - one that's at times rough, mostly beautiful and always exhilarating

6. have experienced several new blues clubs, found a few new photo booths and have fallen in love with Gannon's fried pickles


Thank you all for making Chainlink what it is. I am certainly one lucky gal!



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I agree, Katie - thanks to Chainlink, I have met some fantastic friends. And I always appreciate the advice that I find on this site.

A few years ago I never thought in a million years that I would consider riding my bike in a big city like Chicago, let alone in the winter time. Funny how things turn out. :)


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