Impact Tests Show Bike Helmets Protect Kids in Crashes

Acceleration forces, effects of crush accidents were reduced October 2, 2012 RSS Feed Print

TUESDAY, Oct. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Impact and crush tests show that children's bicycle helmets offer effective protection in crashes, a new study says.

The tests showed that the helmets can reduce by up to 87 percent the acceleration experienced by the skull during an impact and can help the skull resist forces up to 470 pounds in a crush accident.

The goal of the study, published online Oct. 2 in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, was to provide scientific evidence for a public education campaign to promote the use of bicycle helmets by children, explained lead author Dr. Tobias Mattei, a neurosurgeon at the Illinois Neurological Institute and Bradley University.   "The results we obtained in our study provide strong scientific evidence for the sometimes-neglected common-sense belief that bicycle helmets significantly increase children's safety," he said in a journal news release.

"As neurosurgeons, we are sometimes able to lessen the deleterious life-lasting effects of traumatic brain injuries that may occur in bicycle accidents. However, there is no doubt that the best strategy is still prevention, which in this case may be accomplished cheaply and simply by regular helmet use," Mattei advised.

It's estimated that 70 percent of children aged 5 to 14 ride bicycles, but national estimates of children's use of bicycle helmets range from only 15 to 25 percent.

Head injury is the most common cause of death and serious disability from bicycle crashes, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Parents must be aware that it is their responsibility to provide and assure that all available safety measures are taken when allowing their children to participate in any kind of social activity or sport. Bicycling is not different! Parents should teach by example, and their children will easily learn what measures must be taken to protect themselves," Mattei said.

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Cycle helmets would be expected to be particularly effective for children, because the European Standard (EN 1078) impact tests and requirements are the same for adult and child cycle helmets, both use a 1.5 m drop height test; and so given that younger children are shorter than older children and adults, their head height would be within the drop height used in impact tests so a greater proportion of single-vehicle accidents are likely to be covered by the Standard for children.

So put them on your kids!   I totally oppose any laws that would ban helmets and I don't think any municipality has ever passed such a law in the US.   What is everyone worried about?   

What I don't get, is why so many folks are SO concerned about what other folks are wearing for a hat during certain activities such as cycling.  Do people tell you what to wear when you get up in the morning?  Why do they feel the need to tell me?  


Fashion and clothing choices are just that -choices.   Please don't tell me what kind of magic hat, or magic underwear to wear.  If I feel like wearing magic socks, underwear or hats I'm more than capable of making the decision myself.  


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