I need to get a good image of the Chicago flag or the Marauders logo or a Chicago biking logo.  Can anybody share?

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here it is...----> HERE

In the OP's defense, I read "good image" to mean a decent vector image or at least something with a resolution high enough for relatively decent printing.     The above replies made me giggle, but they link to images with low resolutions and wildly varying shades of blue.

No need to laugh at us, David; we were merely trying to help out. If Marty and his needs were sophisticated enough to require a vectored image, he probably would have asked for one, but he did not. I have grabbed internet images off the internet, saved them at 600 dpi in Photoshop and they print out with good quality in the magazine I publish. If Marty wanted the image for a 6 foot by 9 foot silk-screened banner, that would be another matter. But he did not. Both S. Presley and I gave him what he asked for, a source for good images :))


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