Hey all!
So, uh, due to some foolery with the interwebs, I only just got created as a real individual on here. If you go looking you'll see my awesome event coming up on November 19th, the Gala Launch Party for the 3rd year of TyK [Thought You Knew] PinUp Calendar. All the proceeds from sales [yes, 100%] go to The Chicago Women's Health Center [CWHC].
Now, here's the thing. I need some friends!
Would you be my friend and pass the word about the party coming up? And feel free to chime in on what you think about TyK. I've got some photos up [2 years of pinups? what?] so have a look if you aren't already familiar!
Cheers! and hope you come out for the November Party!
[we're doing the Sadie Hawkins Style Ride that Saturday too . . . MUCH fun!]

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