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PBR is just popular right now is all. When I was in College in the early 90's Rolling Rock seemed to be the beer everyone was drinking.

Personally I prefer my brothers home-brew.
Not a beer fan, nor a fan of the PBR logo. But wow I'm a fan of junk modifications! It even has duct tape. sweeeet
with all the PBR this city drinks, there shouldnt be a reason anyone is without a fender
RED GREEN would be proud....
So I'm reading this thread and I noticed that reply about a day ago. I find it ironic that the thread is on PBR and I was probably drunk on PBR when I wrote the first reply because I dont remember replying the first time to this thread.
Yeah. You think PBR is shitty, try some flippin' Keystone. *kicks college in the balls*

I do love me some Rolling Rock though. Mmmmm. I can't afford it unless the 'rents buy it though. haha
that is hilarious. PBR took over the punk thing as well. There are definitely some posers in those circles. However, I dont assume any PBR drinker is a hipster or poser. Its cheap.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
So I'm reading this thread and I noticed that reply about a day ago. I find it ironic that the thread is on PBR and I was probably drunk on PBR when I wrote the first reply because I dont remember replying the first time to this thread.
Joe James said:
that is hilarious. PBR took over the punk thing as well. There are definitely some posers in those circles. However, I dont assume any PBR drinker is a hipster or poser. Its cheap.

Exactly. Don't assume (I guess I did that in my original response, but I was just going for the fast giggle). The drinker could be a poser, but it is just as likely that she is just frugal (or broke). PBR isn't any worse than any other american mega swill, so if you are gonna drink millercoorsbud whatever you might as well drink the $2 can instead of the $5 bottle (or whatever they cost these days).

Cans offer blue-collar cache for the hipster, but for everyone they are a much better container than glass bottles. Aluminum is much easier to recycle, much easier to haul on a bike and doesn't let light in to wreck your beer.
Nice work on the fender. Looks good.
The thread is making me thirsty.

Warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye to learn of other folks who actually do like Pabst. As mentioned, cans make it easier to carry in my Hops Holster on fall rides from pub to pub on the little towns surrounding Des Moines.

Memory fails this morning but I know there are some little bars in the Lincoln Square area that have Pabst specials all day long. I have time Friday afternoon, I may have to make a Dollar Pabst Jaunt.
People don't smash aluminum cans in my alley either. Though I wish they would so they'd fit in the recycling containers better.

Tony Adams said:
Cans offer blue-collar cache for the hipster, but for everyone they are a much better container than glass bottles. Aluminum is much easier to recycle, much easier to haul on a bike and doesn't let light in to wreck your beer.
PBR became hip when hipsters decided that drinking it was ironic. The only thing that pisses me off about that is that i have heard the price of PBR has increased because of this in some 'cool' bars.


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