The State of Illinois recently funded a study into the role bicycle facilities (shower, changing room and a safe place to lock one's bike) play in the decision to commute to work by bike. The study was done by Shaw Environmental, with assistance from the former Chicagoland Bicycle Federation and the Chicago Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). Research done for the study included an online survey of bike commuter habits, in which some of you participated, and a survey of Chicago's commercial building owners and managers. A copy of the study is posted here. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the survey!

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Can you post a copy of the study here? Possibly as an attachment???
I thought about that, but wasn't sure if it was correct protocol. I don't have the study on my home computer but will try to post it here tomorrow when I get to work. (Assuming no one tells me not to in the meantime!)

Julie Hochstadter said:
Can you post a copy of the study here? Possibly as an attachment???
Do you work for Shaw? If so, say 'Hi!' to Kevin Pierce for me!
I do, and I will!

Carl said:
Do you work for Shaw? If so, say 'Hi!' to Kevin Pierce for me!


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