It's so depressing to read that the Governor would veto that bill. I lost an uncle in a similar situation in San Antonio a little more than a year ago. My uncle was riding when he was struck by a vehicle. We never found out the specifics of how he was hit, but it is my understanding that the driver was not ticketed either. He wasn't riding in a congested area. I've driven on that street and cars are far and few in between. So it's a mystery to me how that could have happened. A cousin of mine (his son) walked over to the area where it happened a few days after the accident, and he founds his dad's glasses lying on the side of the road. I believe the local cycling community installed a ghost bike in his memory.
Yeah definitely breaks your heart. Agree about making the picture into a postcard and sending it to the governor. Many times people can't relate until they see how something affects other people. Putting a face on the tragedy.