....or piss you off, nothing will. Saw this posted on fixedgeargallery.

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absolutely tragic
i have to agree with one of the comments made on that atricle: Make that picture into a postcard and send it to the governor of Texas.
It's Texas.
that is very heartbreaking. My heart goes out to that little girl.
"Texas’s governor recently vetoed a law that would mandate a safe passing distance for cyclists, saying it was unnecessary."

UNNECESSARY??? Texans till can carry concealed guns tho so perhaps the gov thinks her parents should've open fired to stop the SOB cager.
What a heartbreaking picture.

It's so depressing to read that the Governor would veto that bill. I lost an uncle in a similar situation in San Antonio a little more than a year ago. My uncle was riding when he was struck by a vehicle. We never found out the specifics of how he was hit, but it is my understanding that the driver was not ticketed either. He wasn't riding in a congested area. I've driven on that street and cars are far and few in between. So it's a mystery to me how that could have happened. A cousin of mine (his son) walked over to the area where it happened a few days after the accident, and he founds his dad's glasses lying on the side of the road. I believe the local cycling community installed a ghost bike in his memory.

Be careful out there, folks.
Yeah definitely breaks your heart. Agree about making the picture into a postcard and sending it to the governor. Many times people can't relate until they see how something affects other people. Putting a face on the tragedy.


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