Hi Chainlink community!


I'm in the process of a launching a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of safety issues and laws related to bicycle lanes.

I'm enlisting the help of bikers to place iblockthebikelane.com easy-peel stickers on vehicles illegally standing or parking in clearly marked bike lanes. The website behind the stickers includes a friendly reminder that blocking lanes is illegal and dangerous, as well as bicycle-related news and information. 
Please check out the website (www.iblockthebikelane.com), "like" the official Facebook page (i block the bike lane) and tell your friends about the campaign! And hopefully my Chainlink group will be active very soon, too!

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I'll check out yours if you check out mine.

No, really.  I like this idea.  A police SUV was blocking my lane today on the way home.  But another police SUV gave me extra room on the commute in.  Thus...negated.

Not the first time this has been tried.


I actually really like the sticker design, the window cling design is smart.  Also the website is set up with a lot of positive information.  Its not anticar, just pro bike. 

I was thinking of putting little cards/signs on all the cars that I pass that block the bike lane- but I wanted to attach rocks to them and throw them at the cars (I am only joking about this- I have never vandalized a vehicle).  Of course, the stickers are a nice, less violent and less destructive idea.  I would love to participate and place stickers on cars, trucks (and people) that block the bike lane.


I count people as those who stand in the bike lane and hail taxis as blocking the lane (and sometimes the runners/joggers that use the bike lane on a street as a multi-use lane for their running pleasure), but I can forgive the people running sometimes, as they are at least moving.  

static cling only on windows? You are just going to contribute to the litter problem in the city and not make one of these idiots change their ways...

I never understood why this site, MyBikeLane/Chicago never really took off.  If everyone on this forum were to take the time (like 20 seconds to stop and yank out your camera) to photograph these violators and post them (another 5 minutes) on a daily basis there'd be a huge database of the worst offenders in town. Maybe something could be done. At least it would be something to point to when trying to convince city leaders that there is a real problem.   But anyone looking at that site must only conclude that bikelane violating is not a problem in this city due to the almost lack of any posting on that site.




I posted a few last year but I didn't want to be the only one posting so I cut way back on it.  It has less authenticity if it is just a few people making all the noise. 


Another good idea and hopefully one that actually takes off someday. 

I didn't know that site existed. That could be the problem, as some of these sites are relatively unknown or not advertised as well as others. Maybe a combined site with Iblockthebikelane and MyBikeLane would help bring awareness of these sites.  

Of course, now that I know about the site, I just may get my camera/phone at the ready. 

Thank you for the heads up, James.

James Baum said:

I never understood why this site, MyBikeLane/Chicago never really took off.  If everyone on this forum were to take the time (like 20 seconds to stop and yank out your camera) to photograph these violators and post them (another 5 minutes) on a daily basis there'd be a huge database of the worst offenders in town. Maybe something could be done. At least it would be something to point to when trying to convince city leaders that there is a real problem.   But anyone looking at that site must only conclude that bikelane violating is not a problem in this city due to the almost lack of any posting on that site.




I posted a few last year but I didn't want to be the only one posting so I cut way back on it.  It has less authenticity if it is just a few people making all the noise. 


Another good idea and hopefully one that actually takes off someday. 

I think it is because the website ultimately does nothing -- hey look, people park in the bike lanes!  We already know that.  


If we could get an alderman to care, it might be worth it.  Parking in a bike lane is a $150 fine, and I bet there are a couple streets in any given ward that could rack up a few thousand dollars an hour in revenue if they were to enforce it.  


James Baum said:

I never understood why this site, MyBikeLane/Chicago never really took off.  If everyone on this forum were to take the time (like 20 seconds to stop and yank out your camera) to photograph these violators and post them (another 5 minutes) on a daily basis there'd be a huge database of the worst offenders in town. Maybe something could be done. At least it would be something to point to when trying to convince city leaders that there is a real problem.   But anyone looking at that site must only conclude that bikelane violating is not a problem in this city due to the almost lack of any posting on that site.




I posted a few last year but I didn't want to be the only one posting so I cut way back on it.  It has less authenticity if it is just a few people making all the noise. 


Another good idea and hopefully one that actually takes off someday. 

Well, WE know that of course.  But it seems nobody else cares -especially the cops as they are one of the worst offenders.  If people think that having photographic evidence to point to and thousands and thousands of specific incidents and license plate numbers (especially the cops and the UPS mulitple offenders) maybe it would be some leverage which could help someday.


But if it isn't going to help then I guess we can just put stickers on cars.  My fear is that confronting people directly with these stickers is going to contribute to rageyness on the driver's part if they catch someone doing it.  There are drivers out there who are already high-strung and ready to snap on someone.  Touch their cars (with a sticker that is easy to peel off even though they won't know that at first) and maybe one of them will snap.    I draw the line at messing with other people's property and really wish they would honor that same line with me.  


I had hoped that a site like mybikelane would eventually draw the attention of the media and help spread the message but I guess that  probably just pie-in-the-sky wishing in one's hand. 

Joel said:

I think it is because the website ultimately does nothing -- hey look, people park in the bike lanes!  We already know that.  


If we could get an alderman to care, it might be worth it.  Parking in a bike lane is a $150 fine, and I bet there are a couple streets in any given ward that could rack up a few thousand dollars an hour in revenue if they were to enforce it.  



I think if someone convinced a person of authority to act if we present him with evidence, I think people would be willing to help.  

James Baum said:

Well, WE know that of course.  But it seems nobody else cares -especially the cops as they are one of the worst offenders.  If people think that having photographic evidence to point to and thousands and thousands of specific incidents and license plate numbers (especially the cops and the UPS mulitple offenders) maybe it would be some leverage which could help someday.


But if it isn't going to help then I guess we can just put stickers on cars.  My fear is that confronting people directly with these stickers is going to contribute to rageyness on the driver's part if they catch someone doing it.  There are drivers out there who are already high-strung and ready to snap on someone.  Touch their cars (with a sticker that is easy to peel off even though they won't know that at first) and maybe one of them will snap.    I draw the line at messing with other people's property and really wish they would honor that same line with me.  


I had hoped that a site like mybikelane would eventually draw the attention of the media and help spread the message but I guess that  probably just pie-in-the-sky wishing in one's hand. 

Joel said:

I think it is because the website ultimately does nothing -- hey look, people park in the bike lanes!  We already know that.  


If we could get an alderman to care, it might be worth it.  Parking in a bike lane is a $150 fine, and I bet there are a couple streets in any given ward that could rack up a few thousand dollars an hour in revenue if they were to enforce it.  



with all due respect, we live in a big city.  it's conjested.  everyone is trying to get where they need to be and do the jobs they need to do.  do you really expect a UPS driver to seek out a street without a bike lane and walk with all of his packages?  he'd be fired for taking too long on his delivery route.  someone hailing a cab?  does this really bother people? i see this more as the biker's annoyance with being slowed down and having to look over their shoulder.  "but this is MY lane!" well guess what?  as a biker you are constantly getting in the driver's way too, slowing them down, and they are just as annoyed. standing cars block cars in driving lanes all the time too, making them go into oncoming traffic.  should we have the cops ticket them too?  do we really want big government ticketing everyone left and right? i'll happily go around someone in the bike line, if it means i can roll through stop signs and run red lights without being bothered. it's give and take. i know i'm in the minority here, but go around it and move on. 



It's give and take indeed.

milesperhour said:

with all due respect, we live in a big city.  it's conjested.  everyone is trying to get where they need to be and do the jobs they need to do.  do you really expect a UPS driver to seek out a street without a bike lane and walk with all of his packages?  he'd be fired for taking too long on his delivery route.  someone hailing a cab?  does this really bother people? i see this more as the biker's annoyance with being slowed down and having to look over their shoulder.  "but this is MY lane!" well guess what?  as a biker you are constantly getting in the driver's way too, slowing them down, and they are just as annoyed. standing cars block cars in driving lanes all the time too, making them go into oncoming traffic.  should we have the cops ticket them too?  do we really want big government ticketing everyone left and right? i'll happily go around someone in the bike line, if it means i can roll through stop signs and run red lights without being bothered. it's give and take. i know i'm in the minority here, but go around it and move on. 



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