You nasty fat ho's driving a mid 90s golden Buick Regal/Park Avenue.  Just want to give you congrats for A.) Running the light at Ashland, heading WB on Division without hitting me.  You came within inches of my left side at speeds exceeding 50mph.  B.) For not being successful in killing me after I called you out on your reckless driving, causing you to veer very strongly into me near Division and Wood in retaliation to my words.  C.) For not being seen by the police officer in a standing vehicle in front of Crust, after running stop signs, fleeing from me after I pulled out my u-lock for defense against a future attack.  You were smart enough to check your rear-view mirror to see me equip myself.  I was not so lucky by missing your plate number, instead being clouded with anxiety, anger and revenge.  I would say "until next time...", but I genuinely hope there never will be a "next time".

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Yeahhhh I know.  I just wanted the plate number for personal reasons, in case I came across the car again in the future, to either leave a note to help them understand why carelessness and hasty driving is considerably dangerous to themselves and others, or to know to watch out very very carefully if another encounter happened where we were once again sharing the road.  


Bad energy is behind me now though.  Time is much too valuable to dwell on bummer happenings!  


h' said:

The sad truth is- there's really not much getting the plate number would have done for you unless there had actually been contact and damage to you or your bicycle.

Sorry this happened and hope you can put that bad energy behind you quickly.


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