So I corked at the Critical Mass and was informed shortly after (Thanks to Ammo and Deadhex) that this pic had been posted of me by some wonderful soul...He called me a "cocktard" an interesting combination of cock and retard that only a trully gifted person could think of...Anyway...I'd appreciate any love you could throw my way on his comment board. I was the one in front of the two cars and he's telling me about people flipping me off and begging...I'm sure there could have been (somewhere else)but I was dealing with THESE peeps and it was fun...Oh well...Another sad bastard. Link below.

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I beleive in freedom of speach even if the person speaking is an idiot (not calling the guy that started the post an idiot by any means) So if you do not like what someone posts than just mmaybe move on. On the other hand, if your posting something on a public forum and do not like what people are posting back..then DONT POST AT ALL. As for a Leah and the site goes, if she doesont like something or how something is going..doesnt she have the right to remove it????? THank you Leah for a wonderful site where we can get together and talk bike stuff....AND...Thats my 2 cents...THanks for coming...Try the Veal..


How about those cocktards that ride into oncoming traffic on a 4-lane, divided street? I saw a few of 'em faceplant right on LaSalle towards the end. It's no wonder people don't get run over by buses more often.
Love ya Stew and Howard...;-) Howard, i think we discussed the same thing after the last mass about unneeded corking...That would suck. But oh well. Stew, You can be my cocktard any day! ;-) VX, you can't.
And to address this it DOES skate the law. If it was illegal, the second we rode through the first red light we would all be arrested...The problem is we would all get lawyers, and the lawyers would explain that it was a peaceful demonstration protected by the law of the state and the country. That is the law. Anything extracurricular (drinking, damage to property, obviously is not protected and that is why the cops freely write tickets diring the mass to people that are drinking.) People can keep getting angry about having to stop and wait for the bikers to go by, but seriously, take 10 seconds to call you friggin mom/dad/cousin...Or get out of the car and watch a bunch of people ride. Sublime! ;-)

vxla said:
I'm not trying to be-labor the point, but CCM explicitly breaks the law. There is no "skating" around the law just because you're with 10, 200, or 10,000 other people. And if you've been doing CCM for more than a year, you'll know that the police in district 1 are VERY different fro m those in, say, district 14.
Gabe said:
Love ya Stew and Howard...;-) Howard, i think we discussed the same thing after the last mass about unneeded corking...That would suck. But oh well. Stew, You can be my cocktard any day! ;-) VX, you can't.

Stop trolling, it doesn't work on me.

You have an odd, entitled perception of the law. I question the difference (or lack thereof) between you and that person sitting in the car fuming.
Oh yeah it does! ;-)
The difference between me and the fuming person....VAST....I don't fume in traffic ever. Traffic happens. And, to address the point... Are we arrested? It's not a perception of the is the law...
That was two dif posts...Bart thought that there must be permits - of which there are none... And Stew stated that the city ( Mayor Daley) is tolertant which he is....But in order to arrest anyone and have it stick they would have to change the law in the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago. This is why we aren't out right arrested from jump. When, in Chicago, if something was happening that was illegal would CPD not step in? And riding on the wrong side is borderline if you are looking at this as a protest/rally...When there is a parade that is more conventional it occupies both sides of the street so why wouldn't this one? Once again this is why the cops are not stepping in.

In all honesty, it is a protest. On many grounds...the most basic being freedom of assembly, then it's pick your cause. Bikes rights, Environment, Anti-car...That's what it is.
The horse is already dead we can stop beating it.

we all ride bikes, some might be the same, some might be different. I personally like blue bikes.
Well now we're just rehashing...I said that the cops step in and do there jobs when the law is being broken, earlier...Public drinking, damage to property, etc...BUT they DO NOT arrest or even write a ticket just for riding...Why? Cause it is not illegal. And I understand what a conventional parade is, that doesn't mean it can't take a different form. Such as CM. Just cause you don't view it as a protest doesn't mean it isn't.
The best, and least satisfying, answer is that it is illegal but tolerated. Every government makes decisions about which of its laws it enforces and to what extent. There are some governments (see Singapore, Dubai) which go to great lengths to enforce all laws, so to create a perception of a highly functioning and disciplined society. However, large, diverse (and cash strapped) communities like Chicago pick and choose where to allocate their enforcement resources.

CM is illegal. Chicago tolerates CM. Long live CM. But I sure ain't getting thrown into a paddy wagon for it.
A parade can be a protest, doesn't have to stand in place i.e. a march on Washington. And Just cause you don't view it as a protest IT would still be if you were arrested cause that is the legal defense. You get arrested...You say nothing, get a lawyer, it's a protest...Walk away under freedom to assemble...Even the ACLU would pick up that case if you were convicted It's pretty straight forward.

COuld the cops break up the Mass, sure, could they arrest anyone and make it stick...No.

M.A.R.K. said:
So then what is it Gabe, a parade, a protest, other? Cause i think your sending out a little bit of a mixed signal here, unless the circles that this topic goes around in is just making me dizy. And in the same, just cause you view it as a protest doesnt mean it is, see how this works? Maybe if I was introduced to CM as a protest I might view it more as that. Or if I heard more screw cars, then yea bikes. CM is different for every rider and every rider rides for a different reason.

Gabe said:
Well now we're just rehashing...I said that the cops step in and do there jobs when the law is being broken, earlier...Public drinking, damage to property, etc...BUT they DO NOT arrest or even write a ticket just for riding...Why? Cause it is not illegal. And I understand what a conventional parade is, that doesn't mean it can't take a different form. Such as CM. Just cause you don't view it as a protest doesn't mean it isn't.


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