I *need* a dance party. I have heard the Hide Out at midnight on Saturdays is a good place for this.  Would anybody be interested in going next weekend? Ride, dance, ride some more.

Seriously. Dance. Please. Or come and just watch? I'm trying to gauge interest before I actually make an event page...

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It's gotta and it's gonna
Whoops ! Hate to be one who repeats [ I did scan all the posts for a Latebar
mention, guess I scanned too quickly ! ;-p ]

jen said:
already mentioned see previous comments

Al Ribskis said:
Hello ! Dance dance yeah ! I'll toss an idea onto the pile : the great new place
on W Belmont, Latebar. Those familiar with the excellent 'Planet Earth'
nights [ Neo, prior to that; Club 950 ] - - - DJ Dave Roberts has opened this
new club . . . and every Saturday night = Planet Earth ! [ the mirrored ball
spins while the New Wave tunes play ! ! ]
This Saturday is Chances Dances at Hide out...I may go...but there were other options, too. If you are curious you can look at my facebook page under 'events' for other dance parties on Saturday, too.
I don't want this thread to die. Ride, Dance, Drink, Ride!
Ride, Dance, Drink, Ride!
i would be down i work in a restaurant so i work late on saturdays but i could easily get my crew to come out after work. just let me know the date!
So M are you closer to making your event page or are you just going to hit the town without one? Let me know how this all works out...
It can't happen tonight, but I'll see what possible conflicts would be in the near future and make an event page. Yes!

Barbra Mann said:
So M are you closer to making your event page or are you just going to hit the town without one? Let me know how this all works out...
I'm down with this event.
I'm hoping this will happen after I come back from L.A.
Ride, Dance, Drink, Ride!
when will that be? we can make sure of it.

Hector said:
I'm down with this event.
I'm hoping this will happen after I come back from L.A.
Ride, Dance, Drink, Ride!
I'll see if I can get a spoke card for this :-)
Ride, Dance, Drink, Ride! :-)

There is now a group for the planning of this ever-growing event. I don't know how to invite people who I haven't friended yet... so I'm doing that now.


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