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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yeah the built in helmet visors never seem to be enough for me either. I am a wuss about both the sun and precipitation. I remove the stock visors replace them with the visor part of a thrift store baseball/seed corn cap attached with a zip tie or two.  My noggin is too large to fit a cap under a helmet, and for most of year I don't want the extra heat anyway. It looks rather dorky, but a bike helmet can't really get any dorkier anyway.

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

It's a Garneau road bike helmet.  It had one of those visors, but I hated it.  I have tried my glasses with the interchangeable lenses, but the rain still gets in behind the lenses.  I have tried all different things and the baseball cap under the helmet is my best option.
Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

Out of curiosity, what kind of helmet do you have (road, mountain, etc)?  I use a Giro mountain style with the little (detachable) brim and put the amber lenses in my glasses to keep the rain out.  Seems to work a treat, I just pop the glasses off and give them a swipe with my shirt at stoplights when they get too misted.

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I wear the baseball cap under my helmet to keep the rain out of my eyes--I hate rain in my eyes.  But the rest of my face gets wet.  Definitely will not be growing a beard. :-)
T.K. 6.5 mi said:

I wore a baseball cap for the first time, and it made a huge difference. No facials for me, Lisa. (Beards also help)

So, who is ready for winter? :)

I am going to get my new bike tonight (woo hoo!) and did not want to ride my own bike to work, so I rode Divvy!  It was perfect--just what I needed and I did not have to stand around waiting for a bus!  When I leave tonight to go get the bike, I am going to ride Divvy to a station about two blocks from the bike shop.  I love it.

First commute from my new location in Humbolt Park. I have the pleasure of choosing to ride through Humbolt, Garfield, Douglas and McKinley parks each day now. Very beautiful places. Does anyone have experience riding North/South along the west boulevards? 

This is the first year I've had to "layer" in early August.  Granted, it's just two t-shirts in the AM (some days one long sleeve), but still, WTF Mother Nature?

What, are we turning into a bunch of farmers, never satisfied with the current weather? :-)

Skip, who was happy he took the train this morning when it started raining on his way to work...

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

This is the first year I've had to "layer" in early August.  Granted, it's just two t-shirts in the AM (some days one long sleeve), but still, WTF Mother Nature?

Sheesh. I'm still schwitzing like a bubbie with coffee and no babka.

Still this am, I passed by some folks wearing jackets! And!!! I saw someone else besides me riding on Western Ave (not the sidewalk) going south as I went north. I never see people riding on western albeit lots of folks on the sidewalk.

As a side note: that giant brick pothole on the eastern side of western around 14th street across from the filming lot and by the truck dock has been paved over! Yea!!

Hehehe! "I sweat like a nun in a brothel." I always say I sweat like a whore in church. I guess they would each feel equally uncomfortable. 

Hello Scarlett said:

that is amazeballs that you had to layer this morning - i sweat like a nun in a brothel within the first few blocks of my trip so i was LOVING the weather this morning with no sun blazing down upon my fair skinned self.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

This is the first year I've had to "layer" in early August.  Granted, it's just two t-shirts in the AM (some days one long sleeve), but still, WTF Mother Nature?

Sadly, I just sweat like a fat guy who's always too hot riding a bike :(


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