The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I bought a new headlight/taillight set with (part of) my REI dividend monday night (another shameless plug) and installed last night and was determined to ride today; weather be damned. As Lisa mentioned - the sleet in the face was OK; the headwind allowed me to eat a huge breakfast once I arrived starving at work; and since the 18 degrees yesterday scared me (my right thumb probably has 20% of the blood circulation it once had) from riding I made up my mind last night to ride today. Other than stopping at two starbucks on the way (Lincoln ave has lots btw) to use the blowdryer to warm my right hand; no real problems

I'm so angry that it's pouring right now. I had been banking on today being nice and getting a ride in. :/
Had the flu all week. Decided to be an adult and come in to work today. Not terribe except when that wind is blowing.

I'll take a wet and windy commute over polar vortex cold any day. Nice riding this morning.

What a terrific tailwind coming in from Evanston on the LFT! Got wet, but everything's drying now, and it's mostly wool anyway, so no big deal. Took off the Bar Mitts this morning. Will try and swap out the studded tires this weekend.

Got my bag attached to my bike, closed the garage door, took off...front tire flat.

Got my bag off the bike, walked a block to Divvy to work!

Love having options.

And, what a nice tailwind!

The headwind was pretty harsh for me, coming downtown from the south. Couldn't help but think the wind was out to get me after last night's ride home was also into the wind. Time to raid the office kitchen for some recovery breakfast.

EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!  I took my bike out the back door to leave.  at first I figured, no rain gear but when I saw how heavy the rain was hitting the puddles, I went back in and geared up in the rain jacket and pants.  they were useful for about fifteen minutes... then it stopped raining and I was stuck wearing flappy hot rain gear, and sweating the other twenty five minutes, but not too sweaty.  Its like I never really need my rain gear when I'm wearing it, only when I don't bring it, or get caught in a downpour.  Thats my main complaint with rain gear, if its not raining the whole time its on, you overheat and sweat.  if I get really sweaty I'll stop and change back into my other jacket but I hate taking the extra time.  I'm usually rushed in the mornings. 

other than that had a good ride.

Couldn't help but think the wind was out to get me after last night's ride home was also into the wind.

Same here. I was so excited because I had just taken off the winter tires and put on brand-new fancy summer tires and I was sure I was going to feel so much faster last night ... nope. Not in that headwind.

The entire city must be suffering from cabin fever!  The LFP was crowded with the summer crowd from the clueless pedestrians, to the tourists on Divvy and the racing folks out for a training ride.  And it was at least ten degrees colder next to the lake than it was two blocks inland.

But it was beautiful.  The ice seems to have pushed away from the shore except in the harbors.  Almost makes me feel like there might be a summer in Mudville.


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