Nice first ride in the COLD.


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We haven't had much weather cold enough for me to really need the neck gaiter, but if you're happy, I'm happy. 

iggi said:

traded in my buff for the smart wool gaiter. im much happier now! this mornings ride was pleasant, a bit rushed, but pleasant.

That wind was tough this morning, but at least it wasn't very cold! Everyone I saw on the LFT this morning seemed to sail right past me, but I made it to work, eventually only about 10 minutes later than usual. I love how peaceful it is out there right now.

In the event you want to waste 15 minutes of your life, I bought a Go Pro for snowboarding and wanted to try it out beforehand, so I took it on my commute this morning....

Wind was a bit harsh, but not as bad as it could have been. It's been a great winter for commuting overall.

im a wuss in the cold.  i like to be bundled up and as little skin exposure as possible.  even tho i will ride into the negative teens, i start to wear underlayers at 40degrees.

Kevin C said:

We haven't had much weather cold enough for me to really need the neck gaiter, but if you're happy, I'm happy. 

iggi said:

traded in my buff for the smart wool gaiter. im much happier now! this mornings ride was pleasant, a bit rushed, but pleasant.

I brought the light-duty hat to replace the balaclava for the evening commute. We'll see which I choose once I get out of here.

We don't believe you :)  You must prove us wrong with pictures.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Oh, my! Did I ride today :)

A.M. Southbound on Wells stopped at a red light, intersection of Wells and Chicago.  A car squeezes between me in the bike lane and the curb real fast, to make the right on red.  I was really startled.

P.M., as advertised!  LFP was JOY!  55-70GI's.  Bikers and runners in shorts, me no gloves, woohoo, ;)  .


Serge, just ask Gene.  ;)

Beautiful morning for a ride into work - headwind out the SSW was a bit strong - but hey, that's why it is going to be close to 60 today! Those riding north will enjoy the push.

Just stepped out to my porch, and by god, computer is right. It's 45 degrees in January at 7:30 am. 

I recall various articles like this posted around the internets last year.  One excerpt:

Paul Pastelok, Expert Long-Range Meteorologist and leader of the Long-Range Forecasting Team, said this winter will be similar to last year, in terms of both snow and cold.

"The difference, though, is that last year, Chicago was hit with heavy snow later in the season. This year, it will be earlier," Pastelok explained.

Something tells me that we should fear February. Have fun riding your bikes today! That's what I'm gonna do. 

I had an excellent ride. Aside from the fact that I'm commuting N/NW, which means I hit some of the SSW headwinds, it was pure bliss. I'm super excited for the ride home!


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