Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Pleasant both ways, just need the layers working for ya.

Jim S, great you found and alternative to 41.  I'm quite certain that I couldn't make your old route to work.

I saw a dozen riders on the way in, 15 on the way home.  Woohoo!


Thanks for the affirmation. The ride home was a joy, as well. The evening commute was always a teeth-clencher because there is very little space between the parked cars and the impatient people trying to commute home, leaving you squeezed in the door zone. I definitely got home much more relaxed.

Steel Driver said:

Pleasant both ways, just need the layers working for ya.

Jim S, great you found and alternative to 41.  I'm quite certain that I couldn't make your old route to work.

I saw a dozen riders on the way in, 15 on the way home.  Woohoo!


YES! I was so mad at myself for not riding yesterday; I knew I would have to get on the elliptical for an hour once I got home… That’s why I love riding WHENEVER I can; I get the commute & cardio out of the way at the same time.

My road conditions this morning: Montrose to Van Buren on city streets.
Broadway to Halsted, clear.
Halsted to Lincoln, clear.
Lincoln to Wells, clear.
Wells to Van Buren, clear.

Nice ride. Even got a little warm.

Looking at tomorrow’s forecast, this may me my last day to ride this week. We’ll see…

Yes, I rode today. The streets were really clear and it wasn't too cold at all. Lucky me had the wind at my back today, too! I won't be so lucky coming home, but it should give me a better commuting workout.

Yep - looked worse than it really was.  Just bundle up again.

Saw more bikes on Clark this morning than I have since the weather turned normal last week.  Nice.

Good clothing > bad weather, any day.

I rode partially, and failed, did not have enough covering my face and ended up 'woosing' out and going back to buy some ski goggles.

I'm not riding today. I might do it if I could just go somewhere and stay there, but I'm going to be freezing my butt off outside all day. I have to leave now and I'm already dreading it. 

I cringe when I see dudes without anything covering their face on mornings like this. I don't know how they do it. Manly men they are.

Damen from Lawrence down to United Center was not slippery at all. A great ride into work, hoping for the same coming home. (Note: street closure on Damen from Montrose to Irving Park. I elected to go over to Lincoln rather than chance it on any possibly slippery side streets. Also, for non-riding days- the #50 bus is on an annoying re-route which takes forever!!!)

I'm not a male, but I'm still doing fine with just a gaiter that I pull up just below my mouth.  Hoping to make it through the winter without actually having to cover my nose/mouth.

Minh said:

I cringe when I see dudes without anything covering their face on mornings like this. I don't know how they do it. Manly men they are.


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