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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode this morning, and, of course, got a flat at Clark and Addison. I swapped tubes quickly and continued on my way. Man, my feet and toes were throbbing cold by the time I got to the office. Almost an hour in this crap is enough to test any biker's resolve!


Drivers were okay and I rode out in traffic most of the way without hassle to avoid the snow piles in the bike lane.

Wear multiple pairs of socks and you'll be set! It works for me :)

Joe Muldoon said:

I rode this morning, and, of course, got a flat at Clark and Addison. I swapped tubes quickly and continued on my way. Man, my feet and toes were throbbing cold by the time I got to the office. Almost an hour in this crap is enough to test any biker's resolve!


Drivers were okay and I rode out in traffic most of the way without hassle to avoid the snow piles in the bike lane.

Thats a great idea!


Eduardo Acosta said:

For goggles, consider racquetball eyewear. For around $15 you get anti-scratch and anti-fog treated lenses.

I kept looking at the wind speed, temp and wind chill before I left this morning and had it built up much worse in my mind than it actually was.  Fortunately I had a head wind this morning so that the ride home was nice with a great tail wind.  I felt so good that I ran a few errands on the way home tonight.


Definately a great day to be riding! 

Duppie said:

It didn't feel quite as cold as the WeatherChannel had predicted, but I did have the wind in my back. Drivers in general were considerate. Only saw one person on a bike

Overall a pleasant commute



Unbelievably, I got a flat on the other tire leaving work tonight. I'm pretty upset with Breezer for putting such cheap tires on a bike that doesn't lend itself to easy tube swapping (chain guard, internal gear hub.) Anyway, Kozy's was close and fixed it quick. Thinking about getting some studded Schwalbe Winter tires at Dutch Bike Co. tomorrow. If not studded, then at least some Marathons.

Just business as usual on the bike today, really.

The morning ride featured a total a-hole who first treated me like I wasn't there as he merged into me, and then purposely tried to spray me with his rear tires by gunning it in slush; have had a similar encounter about 1 in 2 days since there's been ice and snow on the ground. You'd think you could avoid that with an 8-block commute.  Evenings the streets have been mostly deserted.

Saw a few more bicyclists than yesterday. Predictably, the roads were in a worse condition the second day after a storm. The bike lanes had some significant slush in it.

7 degrees passing one bank.  I'm convinced it's the condition of the streets, not the temperature (so far) that will keep me off the streets.  Halsted/Lincoln/Wells were in pretty good shape.  Friendly motorists again!

today was easy.  only issue i had was that i left my boots out on the non insulated sunporch last night. my toes stayed a bit cold and numb for almost the entire commute.

:(  And your boots didn't even get a tan because it was nighttime.

iggi said:

today was easy.  only issue i had was that i left my boots out on the non insulated sunporch last night. my toes stayed a bit cold and numb for almost the entire commute.

What kind of studded tires does Dutch Bike Co sell?
Big fan of Nokian W106 myself. And the flat resistance is pretty good.

Still can't 100% figure out how to properly dress. Yesterday I was cold, today I dressed a little warmer and started sweating. Merino wool usually doesn't make feel like you're sweating, but I guess I really overdressed.

Schwalbe Winter I believe.


Yeah, I'm having a hard time with dressing too. Usually my body is too warm, my legs just right, and my hands and feet cold. I'm even wearing those half rubber/leather LL Bean boots with Smartwool socks and my feet are always cold by the end of my 7 mile commute. Maybe they're sweating...

J.P. said:

What kind of studded tires does Dutch Bike Co sell?
Big fan of Nokian W106 myself. And the flat resistance is pretty good.

Still can't 100% figure out how to properly dress. Yesterday I was cold, today I dressed a little warmer and started sweating. Merino wool usually doesn't make feel like you're sweating, but I guess I really overdressed.


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