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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I rode tonight in the blizzard. The 45mph gusts were a bit much but I did it anyway. I went about 15 miles. Anyone else ride tonight?

rode tonight quite difficult not to get pushed to the side a couple of times.  think i showed the wind who was stronger. yesterday on the other hand had to show a driver that i will give myself 2 feet of room from parked cars. then possible take up the lane if need be to keep myself visible and safe. sadly he figured because he sometimes rides has the right to yell at me.  oh well some people are just always going to be in a bad mood. at least im enjoying this weather  while riding :). anyone else have problems with drivings  yelling about  taking up the lane when the weather is bad? 

I love those "I ride a bike too." drivers, especially in winter.  I remember a couple years ago riding after a massive snowfall in the lane on Morse up in Rogers Park, and most important person in the world started honking at me when it was totally obvious that the curbs were full of snow and parked cars.  As he passed me after we were under the Red Line tracks, he said, "I ride too, but not like that."  Ummm....ok.  Not like what?  Not safely on snow-covered streets? 


Funny that I would've blocked his way for all of a block until I turned north at the next street, and he turned south.

Amanda Olbrys said:

rode tonight quite difficult not to get pushed to the side a couple of times.  think i showed the wind who was stronger. yesterday on the other hand had to show a driver that i will give myself 2 feet of room from parked cars. then possible take up the lane if need be to keep myself visible and safe. sadly he figured because he sometimes rides has the right to yell at me.  oh well some people are just always going to be in a bad mood. at least im enjoying this weather  while riding :). anyone else have problems with drivings  yelling about  taking up the lane when the weather is bad? 

I did the snow ride, about 15 miles round trip, played some in the snow at a park and then fought the wind north. This is the first time ever I had to pedal HARD to go down the grade on damen at diversey. You never needed to use your brakes while going north, just stop pedaling for a few seconds and you were actually going backwards (slight exhageration)  all in all a good time. cyclocross tires made for mud do not work well for the snow even at low low pressure, but it is still better IMO then road tires.



Ya--going south was much easier than the return trip north and then west. The wind was a mighty foe. Not many cars on the road, which was nice. Did see one other person on a bike.

Minh said:

I rode tonight in the blizzard. The 45mph gusts were a bit much but I did it anyway. I went about 15 miles. Anyone else ride tonight?

Rode in this morning from Andersonville to Union Station. Roads where remarkably clean -some of them where even dry- but the bike lanes where sometimes covered in sludge/snow. It didn't feel quite as cold as the WeatherChannel had predicted, but I did have the wind in my back. Drivers in general were considerate. Only saw one person on a bike

Overall a pleasant commute

Nice ride this morning.  I think 9 degrees.  Streets were not bad and I have to say motorists were pleasant on Halsted/Lincoln/Wells! Have a great day!

i had faced the wind from the west and the north. it wasnt easy today.  i did two other cyclists at my metra stop this morning (down from the usual 8-10).


i too was surprised at motorists' consideration this morning.  i had to take part of the lane on wood dale road.  no honking or revving engines. and a soccer eve mom nodded her head in approval and waved (from her mercedes suv, likely with heated seats)

I took the day off.  My first since October so I'm kinda sad.  And of course the red line had delay problems ;)

I still need to get some eye wear and once I do I'll feel a bit better being out in these temps.  Good job to everyone that made it today!

You usually do 8-10 cyclists at your metra stop? Impressive! 

iggi said:

i had faced the wind from the west and the north. it wasnt easy today.  i did two other cyclists at my metra stop this morning (down from the usual 8-10).


i too was surprised at motorists' consideration this morning.  i had to take part of the lane on wood dale road.  no honking or revving engines. and a soccer eve mom nodded her head in approval and waved (from her mercedes suv, likely with heated seats)

For goggles, consider racquetball eyewear. For around $15 you get anti-scratch and anti-fog treated lenses.

ha.  whoops. dont tell Laura.


did 'see'

Vando said:

You usually do 8-10 cyclists at your metra stop? Impressive! 

iggi said:

i had faced the wind from the west and the north. it wasnt easy today.  i did two other cyclists at my metra stop this morning (down from the usual 8-10).


i too was surprised at motorists' consideration this morning.  i had to take part of the lane on wood dale road.  no honking or revving engines. and a soccer eve mom nodded her head in approval and waved (from her mercedes suv, likely with heated seats)


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