Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Haven't been commuting, though I will point out that ATA is reporting ice at the Oak Street curve on LFT, for those of you who did...

Ugghgh....I'm still suffering a bit from the wipeout I had there for that exact reason back in February.

Much ice in the Fulton Market area....took a fall going north before the train tracks. Ice there this evening was unavoidable.

I Divvy biked to the Wrigley Chriskindlmarket and back today(from Edgewater), and I'm proud I didn't wussy out and take a CTA bus or train there instead due to the fact it was colder than normal! I vow to keep biking, until either it's a little too cold for my taste(it'd probably take a wind chill of in the 0s or just below 0 for me to not bike, though I biked on one unusually wind chill cold night last winter), or there's too much ice on the roads for me to the point I call off biking and take the CTA. Just did get a bike donated to me from a friend, so hopefully soon I can test that bike out on the road. Needs a little more fine tuning, before I'd bike with that on the road though.

Lovely pics btw, to everyone who's posted those pics in this thread.


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