Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Yesterday and today, yes.  Oak Street curve still open, but may not be for long. Water level is high and the wind/waves from the North today may make evening impassable...we'll see.

I did ride today.  Cut in from LFP at Oak Street.  Could see the water going all the way to the wall at the curve.

Rode 6 miles this morning to put me over the top of 6000 for the year. 

I did ride today.  Nice ride in the fog.  Supposed to get to 51 degrees in Chicago for Christmas Eve! I'll take that! 

Rode last Friday & Saturday as well; although in Orlando at 72 degrees.  Was very nice!

Happy Holidays ChainLinkers!

Yes! What a gorgeous ride in! 50+ degrees this morning and now 62!  Enjoying it while it's here!

Went for a ride on Christmas day. 

Went downtown, and it was AMAZING having the streets to myself.  

Not today.  Ran instead. 6.1 miles. Great running weather!

I did.  Last ride of 2019.  LFP was plowed from Buena (Montrose) to Fullerton for the NYE 5k.  South of that to Oak Street, not bad, 1-2 inches of snow; looked like a few bikers had been on before me today.  Got on streets at Oak Street and they were plowed and salted, so, no issues.

Happy New Year!

I rode today.  Little headwind, but nice temps.

Oak Street curve was open so I was able to take LFP all the way to from Montrose to Jackson.

Salt on path wasn't too excessive.

How about ice?

May have been a small patch here or there, but totally avoidable.

Looking at the weather forecast, I expect the same for tomorrow.

Yes. Great ride in.  Almost no wind. LFP clear Montrose to Jackson.


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