Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I agree- very pleasant, although our side street was still a little icy in some places. Otherwise, very nice day to ride.

H3N3 said:
Pleasant one today. Streets dry as a bone, sun shining. Perfect Bike Winter weather.
No ice for me but I had a strong headwind, Rogers Park to Hyde Park, otherwise beautiful.  Looking forward to the ride home with the wind at my back.

Melanie said:
I agree- very pleasant, although our side street was still a little icy in some places. Otherwise, very nice day to ride.

H3N3 said:
Pleasant one today. Streets dry as a bone, sun shining. Perfect Bike Winter weather.

Got fooled by the Weather App on my BB. It stated 33 degrees at 6:15 am. I was under-dressed for the mid twenties it it turned out to be.
Made for a chilly commute.

H3N3 said:

Pleasant one today. Streets dry as a bone, sun shining. Perfect Bike Winter weather.
For some unknown reason I hit the lakefront trail again at 6am.. There was so much salt down on my way home last night I figured there is no way ice would beat me up 2 days in a row. There were only small patches of ice the entire way so today I WON..... (except for the wind) I was hoping for the same wind out of the south for the way home, but no such luck, it shifted to almost straight east.  All in all a pleasant ride.
The wind this morning was pretty bad; I did not enjoy my ride south.
After yesterday, it seems to me you're still over your quota for "beaten up by ice..." 

Michael A said:
For some unknown reason I hit the lakefront trail again at 6am.. There was so much salt down on my way home last night I figured there is no way ice would beat me up 2 days in a row. There were only small patches of ice the entire way so today I WON..... (except for the wind) I was hoping for the same wind out of the south for the way home, but no such luck, it shifted to almost straight east.  All in all a pleasant ride.

I had a great evening ride tonight but I'm a little fed up with winter weather and its dirty "after birth".

I walked part of the way down Western (too much traffic) and some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me and some random pedestrians on the sidewalk going way too fast from behind. I have never been so annoyed with fellow riders.

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

Probably the jerk-offs that stole my bike from my balcony.

Minh said:

 some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me



And thus the 80s return.

Minh said:

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

Man, this morning was one beautiful morning. Bright sunshine, wind in the back.

And there were 5 bicyclists waiting for the light at Wells and Ohio. It's been months since I seen so many commuters at once. Does that mean spring is has finally arrived?

The 80's were last year. I feel the early 90's returniing. I can't wait for parachute pants.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
And thus the 80s return.

Minh said:

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.

I feel the same way.  Even though it was sunny this morning, I still am just sick of riding in the winter.

Minh said:

I had a great evening ride tonight but I'm a little fed up with winter weather and its dirty "after birth".

I walked part of the way down Western (too much traffic) and some light-less Bianchi Pista riding fixie kids nearly hit me and some random pedestrians on the sidewalk going way too fast from behind. I have never been so annoyed with fellow riders.

I've also noticed that hipster kids are now getting into rollerblading... seriously.


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