Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I was busy with some stuff at work this afternoon, so didn't get out of the office as early as usual. There's a huge difference in traffic volume between leaving at 3:20 v. 3:50... 

You may recall that Ardmore is a bit weird just west of Sheridan Rd between the end of the Lakefront Trail and the first street, Kenmore. The car traffic is one-way eastbound, but there is also a small westbound bike lane between the car lane and the parked cars. With the recent snow/slush/ice we had, and Chicago's stellar snow removal process on side streets, that bike lane had about an inch of clear surface, the remainder being ice. I was riding in that when a car came eastbound, and for some reason the driver decided it was in his/her best interest to be as far to the left as possible, with tires not far from the line separating the bike lane from the car lane.
By the time I realized this doofus wasn't going to move or slow down, I was stuck. Moving to my right was a sure recipe for disaster, as it was nothing but ice. (I happened to be riding my bike without studded tires.) There was clearly no room to move to the left. I managed to hold my line. My left hand (protected by my neoprene bar mitt) hit the driver's side view mirror. I didn't fall, and decided to just keep riding. I doubt the driver saw me, despite my headlight and hi-vis yellow jacket. I hope I scared the shit out of him/her.

not a bad ride this a.m. really.  bundled well but by end of the ride my toes and backside were starting to go numb.   for me I think that this was officially the coldest I have commuted in at -1 .

Yep, and I got home before the snow started.

Lobster gloves FTW.

A short Divvy ride to the Metra station.
It was brutal going North.
Weirdness. I didn't see a single rider yesterday during my commutes. First time this winter. And, this morning, probably the first true winter ride to work, I saw two fellow riders. One fighting the wind going north on blue island! More power to you!

The ride in yesterday was cold (the coldest this season for me) but tolerable, but the ride home was fantastic.  I initially thought I was going to take Clark all the way home to Evanston but quickly realized that the streets weren't in great shape and that I would probably be better off on the Lakefront Path.  What a treat.  Parts of the path were salted and completely clear and parts had an inch or two of snow.  Slippery but not dangerous.  Certainly less nerve racking than Clark.  The big bonus.  It was beautiful.  Nice breeze on the back, warmer temperatures, beautiful scenery and that peaceful quietness that takes over when the snow muffles the sounds of the city.  One of my best rides home in a long time.

Nice ride in today. A bit nippy.

I'm really amazed at how well the Park District maintains LFT and the streets within the park. To add a little extra mileage (just over a mile round-trip) I've started to detour off LFT at Foster, then it's Foster->Simonds->Lawrence->Wilson->Simonds->Montrose, then back to LFT. That little stretch was plowed curb-to-curb. You would think they were expecting a presidential motorcade, but other than a CTA bus making a turnaround, there wasn't a soul in sight.

The combination of the strong headwind and snow compacting in my fenders made the ride in today one of the most difficult rides I've experienced in Chicago. Hoping for a tailwind and clear paths on the way home tonight. 

I made the mistake of leaving my bike out for 15 min before my commute, and the Brooks saddle froze! Took a few miles for it to warm up.  I'm not making that mistake again!


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