Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Heading south? I rode from Evanston to the Loop this morning. I don't think I've ever ridden so fast solo, certainly not that easily. And I wasn't riding one of my go-fast bikes. Weather Bug reported a flood advisory, so (of course), I had to check out the lake. I turned off LFT at Foster, then took Simmonds to Montrose. I stopped at the Montrose marina because the sailboats in dry dock were singing like a steel drum band ("Let us out! We want to go play in the water!"). I took some "video":

Windy Commute

You can't really see anything because it was too dark, but perhaps you can hear the band. Sorry it's sideways. I guess I forgot to tilt my camera properly before pressing "record".

I was having so much fun I kept going south instead of turning off at Fullerton. I got as far as the Oak Street curve where I was thwarted by big chunks of ice the wind had thrown up on the path. I stopped and took a little video there as well. Then I turned back, took the Oak St underpass, then headed west to Wells to resume my commute.

(I hope the clips are accessible. I can't view them in Chrome, and Firefox gives me an internal server error just trying to access the album.)

Chicago to Ogden to douglas park. So, south and west. And I didn't feel like I had a nice tail wind. Glad you did. I'm just feeling burnt. Maybe I need to check chain and tire pressure. Link worked in mobile. Lake looked awesome.

Riding on city streets heading primarily southeast, it was a nice tail wind. Except when it was a head wind. Or a cross wind.

Straight down Kedzie Humboldt to 65th. It was something. 

Yes, I rode today. Straight into the wind. 35th and Damen straight North to Grand and eased up a bit westbound on Grand to Kedzie. Thought I was going to fly off the I55 overpass. Hoping to sail home later.

Yay for south wind. I made it to work in less than 35 minutes from Edgewater to the loop! It usually takes me around 45 minutes.

Let's see how bad tonight's commute home going north will be.

Whitecaps in the harbor--must be a windy day. :-)

Sometimes it's better not to know, but if anyone likes to look at wind forecasts:

Lol. So after yesterday's terrible rides. I started off feeling really beat. Walked the bike over Damen at 18th on my way to western and noted my rear brake pad is shoved a kilter and my rear tire is really light on air. So, I'm dang lucky no snakebite or popped tire/tube. Lesson learned. If your ride feels really hard before blaming weather and age check gear?

I guess there are some situations where my mighty smartphone camera doesn't work well, but still, these views were pretty cool this morning. You'll have to use your imagination. :-)

Moon rise:

City waking up:

Here's Oak Street curve yesterday morning, for good measure. It was completely dry Sunday morning.


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