Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Rode LFT to Hyde Park and back yesterday. Lots of broken glass. Would have been much worse had I ridden city streets the entire way. I'm sure my tire savers saved my tubulars a couple times...

Got my second flat in a week yesterday. We need a hard rain or more street cleaners to wash that debris out of the bike lanes.

Probably would have had my third flat today if I hadn't noticed the tiny piece of glass embedded under my tread. It only became visible after I fully inflated. I had prodded and folded the tire during the fix looking for any puncture remnants, but it was well hidden.

Time for some new tread I guess

No flats (knock wood) but riding around yesterday I saw glass all over on the streets.  Clearly the St. Pat's day revelers were everywhere.

I also saw lots of glass in the lanes. Happens every spring, two years ago I got 2 flats within one week.

Got in my first ride to work all winter. A lot of glass and potholes along the way. Good thing street cleaning starts next month. 

> Got in my first ride to work all winter.

Huck, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you missed winter. :-)

Um technically winter ends on the 21st amIright? Where is the pushes up glasses emoji when you need it? But yeah, I just don't ride in the winter. I can run all winter but the riding not so much. 

Ride home was DUSTY!!! Some rain is definitely needed. Still felt nice riding home in the warm. 

Well half a mile to take my bike in to be fixed. 

What happened to your bike?

Derailleur broke once I got out of the train station.  Totally shot.  Wade and Ross did a temporary fix so I could ride home.  But it needs to be replaced.  And part of the frame is bent.  Its in the shop now...

One nice day and all hardiness seems drained. This am wind killed my quads heading SB.


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