Nice first ride in the COLD.


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LFP was clear of ice and salted this morning, from Ardmore to Oak Street underpass.

Rode around San Francisco today.  Not prepared for hills.  Its been in the 60s here all week.

Jared, could you be just a little apologetic?  It is, after all, below zero here again this morning and yesterday did not make it to 20.

I'm coming back today.  If I could run for business remotely I'd be tempted to stay here longer.

Dang... That's happened to me too. I have all the bits around here somewhere for a Sigma except for the display unit, which flew off somewhere on a ride in the northern suburbs a couple years ago. Perhaps a design problem?

I managed the 300k Russian river brevet north of the Bay Area in San fransisco yesterday. It was a great ride. It was so nice to see green again. Now back to Chicago.

Very few cyclists out this morning. Only saw two on the southern portion of the LFP. Too bad since everything is clear and beautiful. Great ride in this morning.

Yes, nice ride in. Still, I think I'm ready for Spring...

It was beautiful this morning!  



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