Nice first ride in the COLD.


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And, BTW, I finally rode today.  You guys who have been riding this week must have been awfully lonely. On Milwaukee, between Elston and Kinzie, I saw two other cyclists. Then I did not see any others until I got to Dearborn.

Yesterday the ride home from work late last night was extra brutal (6 miles). This morning was pretty terrible too, but at least it can't get any worse... I hope.

Saw 10+ cyclists last night along Clark between Andersonville and downtown. I hadn't ridden more than a few blocks all week and was a little worried, but it ended up being surprisingly comfortable with the Moose Mitts and a wind-block balaclava.

I've been seeing a fair number of cyclists on Clark this week and last. Mostly food delivery folk in the evening, but a handful in the mornings, too.

Finding space at the bike rack is effortless.

NICE! Thanks for sharing Gene

Biked up to Polar Adventure Days today.

Gene, do you suppose that only in Chicago would one see someone with a hula hoop on the beach when it is below 20 F?  And how serendipitous that you should happen along with a camera.

Only in Chicgo, certainly serendipitous and only odd ones like me would care enough to take the shot.

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Gene, do you suppose that only in Chicago would one see someone with a hula hoop on the beach when it is below 20 F?  And how serendipitous that you should happen along with a camera.


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