Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Kinzie PBL not plowed; Dearborn meh. Delivery truck parked outside 353 N Dearborn; reported it.

Had the day off today, but rode from Evanston to a friend's house near Western and Irving Park. That gave me the opportunity to ride the North Channel Trail (between Lincoln and Lawrence), something I don't often do this time of year. The NCT is in pretty good shape. It looked like it was last plowed before the latest snow, though I saw truck tire tracks in the snow. The snow on the trail was packed, and no problem with my studded tires. No ice.

Foolishly jumped on to the LFT at Oak Street this evening in a desperate move to avoid Clark Street on the way home, which is getting pretty monotonous to me. Mistake. I had to walk the bike most of the way to North. North to Lawrence was great. CPD gets an A for plowing and salting. From Lawrence to Ardmore, CPD gets anywhere from a B to a D+. If you're riding tomorrow morning north of Lawrence, be careful as it will no doubt be slick.

Wuffie said:

Foolishly jumped on to the LFT at Oak Street this evening in a desperate move to avoid Clark Street on the way home, which is getting pretty monotonous to me. Mistake. I had to walk the bike most of the way to North. North to Lawrence was great. CPD gets an A for plowing and salting. From Lawrence to Ardmore, CPD gets anywhere from a B to a D+. If you're riding tomorrow morning north of Lawrence, be careful as it will no doubt be slick.
I rode LFT between Ardmore and Fullerton this morning. While the stretch north of Lawrence wasn't as nice as it usually is, I thought it was certainly passable. Maybe it's my studded tires, but there were clear spaces to ride in should I have wanted to most of the way...

Not sure how many of you biked last  night but my was it raw. I don't ever remember before my face being cold underneath my balaclava.  Clark Street was brutal around 10.

I biked home from class after 7 last night and that was cold enough! My gaiter was crispy and crunchy by the time I got home. 

Josh L. said:

Not sure how many of you biked last  night but my was it raw. I don't ever remember before my face being cold underneath my balaclava.  Clark Street was brutal around 10.

Nice ride in today, but I had the wind at my back. Not looking forward to the ride home

Days like this explain why some bikers ride like Aholes.  Pedestrians are insane.  Almost worth not riding in :(....  *
*pedestrians ruined my ride once I hit the loop.  

I wasn't directly involved, but approaching Broadway on Rosemont today, I saw a pedestrian crossing the street. He went to go behind a bike waiting for the light and tripped on the bikie's rear wheel! As I went past, the bikie was bending his rear fender back into line.

OTOH, I can sort of understand why pedestrians might be deranged right about now. If you're not generating heat, I can't see how being out in this weather could ever be "comfortable".

Apie (10.6) said:

Days like this explain why some bikers ride like Aholes.  Pedestrians are insane.  Almost worth not riding in :(....  *
*pedestrians ruined my ride once I hit the loop.  


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