Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Ah, so Rahm is a "man of steel"... Either that, or he was dazzled by the sunlight reflecting off the fenders. :-)

Ryan Stahlman said:

I have an 80's era Specialized Expedition touring bike with low rider front racks and shiny ss fenders.   

Good thing there are no phone booths around that area for him to dash into.

Alone on my bike

waiting for the light to turn

while others sail past.

Yesterday I was riding into Humboldt Park when I came to a red light behind two young super cool hipster looking girls.  I was in a hurry and knew I was going faster than them before I got to the light, so I stopped to their left side and behind them, wilst waiting for the light.  The one girl was like, "Exuse me, are you a fast biker, sir?"  I suspected some sarcasm but answered as if it was an honest question.  "Well, I was catching up to you guys... I'm going straight."  "Well, go right on ahead of us please!", or something equally hinting at sarcasm.  It bugged me because, I wasn't trying to show off, I wasn't being rude in anyway... but mostly it bugged me because I didn't have anything witty to say back.  I should have been like, "no, your just reeeeaaallly slow, I thought you were riding backwards or something... GET OUT OF MY WAY!"  ha ha.  maybe they weren't even being sarcastic.  whatever. I rode today.

Perhaps a Valley Girl impression and  just say, "Whateverrrrr" and ride on your merry way.

Robert Underwood said:

Yesterday I was riding into Humboldt Park when I came to a red light behind two young super cool hipster looking girls.  I was in a hurry and knew I was going faster than them before I got to the light, so I stopped to their left side and behind them, wilst waiting for the light.  The one girl was like, "Exuse me, are you a fast biker, sir?"  I suspected some sarcasm but answered as if it was an honest question.  "Well, I was catching up to you guys... I'm going straight."  "Well, go right on ahead of us please!", or something equally hinting at sarcasm.  It bugged me because, I wasn't trying to show off, I wasn't being rude in anyway... but mostly it bugged me because I didn't have anything witty to say back.  I should have been like, "no, your just reeeeaaallly slow, I thought you were riding backwards or something... GET OUT OF MY WAY!"  ha ha.  maybe they weren't even being sarcastic.  whatever. I rode today.

Fuh shaaaaah.

David Barish said:

Perhaps a Valley Girl impression and  just say, "Whateverrrrr" and ride on your merry way.

Like, whateverrrrrrrr!!!!  lovely weather this morning on my 6.6. 

Lovely morning for a deluge...  a lot less traffic today, seems as if everyone is on vacation.


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