Nice first ride in the COLD.


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passed up three people on Clark this morning.  Only one was wearing his brain bucket.  Good for him!  I don't care if people wear helmets or not... but it could come in handy I suppose.  I for one have never hit my head on anything while riding my bike.  knock on wood... shoot there is no wood here. 

What was the brake doing, rubbing on the rim?
Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Naw.  I was so pumped to have figured out the problem I let loose and gave it all I've got.  Explains all the problems I've been having.  I have a 52 tooth chainring on my Raleigh, a throwback to my roadie days, and it still cooks.  Thing is, I've been training for awhile with this crappy brake problem, assuming it was the dirty chain or some sort of lubrication issue.  So now I'm all happy and flipping the steel around like it was made out of twigs.  Cool beans, ya'll!!

I had forgotten what it was like to ride without my thermal tights and jersey or arm warmers. This morning is glorious! 

Lovely warm ride in shorts and short sleeve T-shirt.  I guess we sorta skipped over the 60's.  OH WELL!!  a few more warm days and we'll probably be sweating our faces off in 95° of humidity.  Ride home yesterday the LFP was filled to the brim with carbon fiber and meandering children.  I think I saw Lance Armstrong like ten times.  Lance, its not a game of chicken, you can stay on your side of the path if you want.

Sick of Summer.  Sweated like a pig this morning,  Can't wait until cool Fall weather.

Hear hear.  Today was terrible.  I want my fifties back!

Ha, you're right. I think the optimal riding temp is somewhere between 55-58 F. I, too, was sweating profusely once I hopped on the Metra.

envane (69 furlongs) said:

Sick of Summer.  Sweated like a pig this morning,  Can't wait until cool Fall weather.

According to the weather reports, you're going to LOVE next week then.

(So will I, to be honest.)

Tricolor said:

Hear hear.  Today was terrible.  I want my fifties back!

It would be even better if those low temps hang around for Memorial Day.

Oh all you sweaty grumpypants. :P 

I LIVE for summer. I DESPISE shivering, I despise eye tearing, I despise gray cloudy days. 

Therefore... bring on the warm weather for me :) 

I'm with you. I'm looking forward to getting my biker's tan back on.

Michelle Milham said:

Oh all you sweaty grumpypants. :P 

I LIVE for summer. I DESPISE shivering, I despise eye tearing, I despise gray cloudy days. 

Therefore... bring on the warm weather for me :) 


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