Nice first ride in the COLD.


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So, I feel the need to write today because I don't know what's going on. So many cars today are driving like insane distracted killers. I saw three cars today run through red lights (and not during late transition from yellow to red, but middle of red cycle). I don't know if it's the rainy foggy grey week we've had or what...but dang - people be driving like frogger. Be safe!

I didn't notice any insane drivers this morning but Im sure they were there, waiting the perfect moment to squash me.  overall nice ride, not too bad of a headwind.  The actual insanity begins after my ride.  Instead of frogger with cars its frogger with personalities. 

Discovered I had a brake problem and then it was like a weight had been lifted.  All of a sudden I'm bombing down the road at 25MPH on the way home on a 35 pound touring bike with two panniers attached.....

and then, and then . . . . .

Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Discovered I had a brake problem and then it was like a weight had been lifted.  All of a sudden I'm bombing down the road at 25MPH on the way home on a 35 pound touring bike with two panniers attached.....

Sure it wasn't just a tailwind? :-)

Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Discovered I had a brake problem and then it was like a weight had been lifted.  All of a sudden I'm bombing down the road at 25MPH on the way home on a 35 pound touring bike with two panniers attached.....

Naw.  I was so pumped to have figured out the problem I let loose and gave it all I've got.  Explains all the problems I've been having.  I have a 52 tooth chainring on my Raleigh, a throwback to my roadie days, and it still cooks.  Thing is, I've been training for awhile with this crappy brake problem, assuming it was the dirty chain or some sort of lubrication issue.  So now I'm all happy and flipping the steel around like it was made out of twigs.  Cool beans, ya'll!!

Today I rode about 9 miles into work, the second commute from my new apartment! I'm getting used to biking more than the casual 4 miles from my old apartment to work. The coldest I rode was -13. I went down the block and back! I usually stop riding around 10 degrees. -Sara of Live Grit

I tried out some new gearing starting around Loyola and ended up at the trail end near Kenosha.  I don't think I'll be doing 85 miles at a stretch when touring so I'm okay for Memorial Day.  Just not too fast.


Gene Tenner said:

Someone's torn chunks out of the Dearborn Bike lane recently.  Any idea when they'll be re-paved?


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