Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I did get out today - a too hell with the roads day.

I Divvied. Twice. I am ready to declare that these bikes are pretty OK in slush, snow, and on frozen stuff.

I am still hibernating, but did you mean "to hell with the roads" or "the roads were too much like hell"? :-)

Not too hip said:

I did get out today - a too hell with the roads day.

Chiberia is wearing me down. Only one short ride last week.  I'm sitting out today (and probably tomorrow) with the cold temps.  I know, dress appropriately and you can ride in any temp.  And I will ride ride the mile to the gym "in any temp" but my 6-7 mile commute in this cold is too much for me. 

A tip of my balaclava to those still riding on days like today.

I feel you man — this weather sucks. Usually around February is when I start feeling exhausted and unmotivated from winter.

JM 6.5 said:

Chiberia is wearing me down. Only one short ride last week.  I'm sitting out today (and probably tomorrow) with the cold temps.  I know, dress appropriately and you can ride in any temp.  And I will ride ride the mile to the gym "in any temp" but my 6-7 mile commute in this cold is too much for me. 

A tip of my balaclava to those still riding on days like today. that I'm at work I want to go back to bed.


Though, I'm getting tired of the layering process in the morning. I can't wait to throw on shorts and a t-shirt and just roll out the door.

JM 6.5 said:

A tip of my balaclava to those still riding on days like today.

I only managed a short ride to the train this morning. Man, did it feel cold! Even our basement has been cold, limiting the time I can comfortably mess around in the basement workshop.

On the plus side, we leave for a week in Florida on Saturday... 

Looks like starting Thursday, temps will rise to more seasonal highs (low 30's). Looking forward to it.

JM 6.5 said:

Chiberia is wearing me down. Only one short ride last week.  I'm sitting out today (and probably tomorrow) with the cold temps.  I know, dress appropriately and you can ride in any temp.  And I will ride ride the mile to the gym "in any temp" but my 6-7 mile commute in this cold is too much for me. 

A tip of my balaclava to those still riding on days like today.

I didn't think it was that cold this morning... just as cold as the past two weeks or whatnot... but I did have to stop and change from sunglasses to ski goggles after a few blocks from my apt because my eyes were getting blinky.  blinking too much.  Now that I'm at work I agree with The Grizz, want to go sleep.  I counted 5 cyclists on the way.  Two guys I always see heading south on Clark, the others were total strangers.  who were they? I don't know. 

It isn't that it's particularly colder. It's that the routine of cold is wearing on me. At the same time I'm dreading the initial warm up. It's gonna be a mess.


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