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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It wasn't bad this morning, but the wind was kind of killer.  I didn't check wind direction before leaving and ended up riding most of the way in my lowest (of 3) gears.

Had you looked at the wind direction, would it have changed your choice of transportation or allowed you to ride in a higher gear? :-)

Julie M. said:

It wasn't bad this morning, but the wind was kind of killer.  I didn't check wind direction before leaving and ended up riding most of the way in my lowest (of 3) gears.

Finally commuting back on the bike!  I did a few <1 mile trips during Polar Vortex II, but nothing too long.  I agree with Julie - not bad but the wind was tough.  I was both thanking (for bringing warm air) and cursing (headwind!) the wind at the same time.

I probably wouldn't have changed my mind but at least I would have been mentally prepared for the wind :)

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Had you looked at the wind direction, would it have changed your choice of transportation or allowed you to ride in a higher gear? :-)

Julie M. said:

It wasn't bad this morning, but the wind was kind of killer.  I didn't check wind direction before leaving and ended up riding most of the way in my lowest (of 3) gears.

Yes... Finally! First time this year. 

Thanks to the headwind it was a super slow ride!

Looking at the weather and the wind forecasts, knowing it would be a headwind and that passing by some of the taller buildings on my route would be challenging, I hesitated for a minute and then said to myself, "self, just ride!"   Two days in a row now!

Ha, I heard this whistling wind when my alarm went off this morning. Hit the snooze button and caught the bus later. I need to HTFU.

Yes very windy going south. I think I got this link from someone here but this is a pretty cool way to check on the wind before you head out. US Wind Map

Thanks for the link. Looks like I would have had an awesome tail wind. Drat!

Yall must'uh been traveling south this morning, I had a nice tail wind heading north.  I was easily keeping up with the traffic on some sections.  so much fun.  no need for goggles or glasses.  moving with the wind it seemed like it was still, like, I was moving quickly but felt no wind motion.

Windy heading south on the Lake Front Trail. There was also this… And no, that was not a Park District vehicle, the SUV had standard plates. She just parked there to check her phone or something.

I did. Wind + dodging snow added 12 minutes to my (5.5 mile, normally 25-minute) commute. 


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