Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Didn't this used to be the "I Rode Today. Did You?" thread?

Kevin C said:

Didn't this used to be the "I Rode Today. Did You?" thread?

I was just thinking about the topic creep in this thread. If for no other reason than to make it easier for people to find these sub-topics, maybe we should try to at least spin them off into new threads.

Just a thought. Not trying to be a topic Nazi or anything...

Kevin C said:

Didn't this used to be the "I Rode Today. Did You?" thread?

You know, this thread veers off topic a few times-- once around page 130-133, again around page 210-212, and a few more times in the mid-300s and the low 400s.  It really makes it hard for me to read the thing each time.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

I was just thinking about the topic creep in this thread. If for no other reason than to make it easier for people to find these sub-topics, maybe we should try to at least spin them off into new threads.

Just a thought. Not trying to be a topic Nazi or anything...

Kevin C said:

Didn't this used to be the "I Rode Today. Did You?" thread?

Wow, that was a cold ride. Headed up the LFP from Hyde Park but had to turn off of it at the 39th St bridge. The path had too much crusty snow for me to proceed. Anyone think that the trail will be cleared over the course of the day?

I've been taking streets this week instead of the Lake Front Trail, so I'm not sure. It wasn't so great on Monday night. Wussed out today and took the 'L', though. 0°F this morning and afternoon with fierce wind just sounds miserable. It's supposed to be even worse next week!

Yikes. This is the coldest weather in which I've ever commuted.

Monday night certainly was bad especially with the heavy winds and snow drifting over the path.  The wind pushed me over that night hurt my shoulder, so today is my first day back.   

I didn't take the trail this morning - -1 with a 20 mph headwind for the northbound commute seemed like it might be too much for my gear - but I saw the situation developing on the trail last night, and I can't imagine it was very pretty by this morning. Based on past experience, I feel like there's a good chance they'll do some clean-up over the course of the day, but given that it wasn't a major snow yesterday I kind of wonder if it'll even occur to them.

What alternative route did you take after leaving the trail? MLK? I've puzzled over good alternative routes, and that seems like the most logical one, though I don't know how I'd get through the south loop on my way to my office.

It must have been really bad if you bailed at 39th - 39th can be horrible, but it usually gets better after that, doesn't it? I usually feel like you get back to civilization once you hit about 35th.
Ryan Stahlman said:

Wow, that was a cold ride. Headed up the LFP from Hyde Park but had to turn off of it at the 39th St bridge. The path had too much crusty snow for me to proceed. Anyone think that the trail will be cleared over the course of the day?

Today was not easy due to crazy heavy car traffic on my route and a very narrow shared space.

And my rear derailleur stuck in a low gear...

Easily took twice as long as usual.

yep - i have two sort of equidistant routes - usually I take Loomis then cut through Pilsen to Halsted and the take the 18th St Bridge - it is a much more pleasant ride with the spectacular views from the bridge. But at least as of last night, the bike lanes on Loomis were not plowed and sharing the traffic lane there (south of Cermak) is fairly terrifying - due to the long stretch of no cross streets some car traffic speeds through there like it is a drag strip*.  SO I took the Archer->State->Wabash route today, and as I've noted in other threads, the bike lanes on Archer have been full of snow/ice/crap for weeks. You'd think on a day when the wind chill is -20F or whatever that our biggest problem would be the cold...  

*it is sometimes an actual drag-strip, but that is another story.

h' 1.0 said:

Today was not easy due to crazy heavy car traffic on my route and a very narrow shared space.

And my rear derailleur stuck in a low gear...

Easily took twice as long as usual.

Yea, my safety glasses fogged up then the fog froze and I got wierd ice crystals across the lenses.




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