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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Some spots freezing up again, but no black ice on my side streets.  Dearborn/Kinzie salted heavily.  Wind, as Gene says, seemed to be everywhere and gusty, but I think it was really mostly west and a little southwest between 4:30 and 5:00.  Did not seem to be northwest yet.

I found out firsthand about the ice under water is my knee after my front tire hit a patch of underwater ice on southbound Halsted on my way home after stopping at Rapid Transit South for some extra CO2 cartridges.

Gene Tenner said:

The side streets are very VERY VERY slippery. I hope to catch some of you before you leave work. Water on top of ice is a very dangerous situation. The lakefront path was OK from Belmont to Buena, but the side streets from Erie to Belmont were slick. Be cautious.


And my new home-made muflap is born! Let it rain!

Duppie said:

Check your bottom bracket. Does it look like this?Then I think you might benefit from a mudflap.

PS. Yes, I know, I been reading to much BQ ;)

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I also rode my Surly (which has become my "any weather I am willing to ride in" commuter) and it has fenders.  I don't seem to need a mudflap.

Got some exercise heading into a pure west wind going home. A couple of time the gusts just left me peddling motionless. There is definitely ice under the water but overall my roads are clean.
Roads were clear. Tons of vehicle traffic, especially trucks.

Sorry to hear!

Heal quickly.

This winter has been an A-hole so far... hard to believe it's barely half over.

Jennifer on the lake said:

My last ride for 6-8 weeks occurred Saturday morning. Slipped on some ice and shattered my forearm.

I think last night's wind was the worst I've experienced during extremely cold conditions since the early 80s.

Not used to almost getting blown over in the wintertime. Every year brings conditions I've never experienced before lately.

Not too hip said:

Got some exercise heading into a pure west wind going home. A couple of time the gusts just left me peddling motionless. There is definitely ice under the water but overall my roads are clean.

bone chilling cold this am. Had three layers  on and still felt the chill. seems worse now than it was at 5.

The lakefront bike trail south of Fullerton was covered in ice in quite a few spots. It was quite a show seeing large waves bring water and chunks of ice all the way to the trail. 

I rode today. Streets were fine. There were at least ten people who illegally parked their cars in the Clark St bus/bike lane. A bit chilly, but not too bad. Not really windy heading south.

Isn't the trail closed south of Oak?
rwein5 said:

There's also a really big icy/slushy patch between Oak and North. There are sizable chunks of ice that make it a challenge to navigate. 

Yes, but North Ave is north of Oak St.

J.P. said:

Isn't the trail closed south of Oak?
rwein5 said:

There's also a really big icy/slushy patch between Oak and North. There are sizable chunks of ice that make it a challenge to navigate. 


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