Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Same here -- the slipping, sliding, being literally blown sideways. I rode from the loop north and I was planning to head for the lake at North Ave. just to take some pics but the wind was so incredibly ferocious I just headed for Clark instead. It was like a wall of wind! The swirling sidewinds on Clark (combined with the slush and ruts and lanes of snow that had been pushed and plowed into the bike lane) required constant vigilance. I've ridden in sidewinds that strong before but never in snow. Quite an experience. Way more fun than taking the bus:

Jane said:

Steven Lane said:
I broke a sweat just keeping balance riding five miles an hour. It's weird how snow rides are such a work out at such slow speeds. I guess it activates muscles you don't normally use and gives your brain a lot of extra processing to do. My moment of zen for the day was realizing that slipping is not losing control; it's just another way of harnessing your momentum. Somehow that thought let me keep digging into the slips and slides somehow finding my way back to balance. Good times.

I found the same thing to be true. I bundled up like an eskimo thinking that with the wind it was going to be brutal. By the time I was returning home from picking up Genevieve at school, I was unzipping and unwrapping anything I could get to easily while dealing with the snow pack on the street!

Yes, I still needed the balaclava and gloves, and I would have been miserable without my goggles, but I found myself toasty warm after about 5 minutes of riding... even though I was only going about 5 mph.

The best was tonight. Egads, what a night! I tried biking about a block just so I could claim bragging rights, but dang! It was wild out there. I nearly got blown off my bike three times within 20 yards of my house. Add to that the poor street conditions and I had to admit that enough was enough.

Genevieve and I then tried to shovel but gave up after about 20 minutes. It's not even worth it with all the blowing going on.

I'm digging all the thunder tonight. Thunder snow is such a weird thing.

Right now, I'm sitting in my living room with the lights out, typing this on my lap from my iPad. Outside my window the snow continues to blow past in a constant stream of horizontal streaks that hasn't let up since 3pm or so. The oak tree in our front yard is whipping around like I have never seen before. And the bare spot on our sidewalk remains bare! Some strange fillip in the airflow has created a perfectly swept patch of sidewalk about 3x6 feet in size.

Tomorrow we plan on taking the kick sled out for a good run. I expect the street in front of our house (which is a snow route, so it gets plowed) will be perfect for travel. Those of you with X-C skis should have a blast!

I love the vagaries of weather. Sure, it's a pain to shovel 12 tons of snow off your sidewalk, but isn't this far more interesting that living someplace where the weather is the same thing, day after day? Since I started biking year round I find that I actually look forward to winter more. The cold doesn't bother me very much either. I don't know if this is because one gets acclimated or if I just have enough blubber to insulate me, or if it's merely a reflection of having the right gear and knowing how to use it. Whatever the reason, biking in the snow and cold is something I enjoy. My least favorite time to bike is now when it's above 80° and I know I will be a sweaty puddle of goo after a long ride in the sun. There was a time when I wouldn't have even considered riding if it was in the 60s. My how things change!

igloo chicago
ahhh... it's igloo time again!!!
every day!
What you haven't seen that on Damen? ;-)

Mike Zumwalt said:
As compared to when it's full of monkeys preening each other?

Gabe said:
Awesome ride home. Damen was like a zoo: Full of monkeys in cages and covered in shit! ;-)
i did a test run with laura last night around the block.  it wasnt doable

I rode to the train this morning, and then back home when I found out I am more hardcore than Metra...


Major streets are OK but side streets are impassable.

Mrs Duppie and I walked over to our favorite watering hole last night and it was fun for the 2 blocks. But I am sure glad I can work from home another day. Gives me a chance to shovel the 3-4 feet snow drifts on the sidewalks.
at work in the loop right now... cta's red and purple lines running. edgewater was stacked up 2ft. high on most side streets. using snowshoes to get around.

What a great day for riding!  I was admittedly late to work this morning after shoveling out my pregnant neighbor.  (I hope the baby can hold off for a few days)

No traction on side streets, snow past BB. had to jog down the tires ruts pushing my machine.

North was empty so riding down the middle was fine.  Saw a bunch of folks walking in the street coming from the Jewel, felt a little like the "day after tomorrow" if you know the film.


narrow tire fixed gear city bikes can still work in this crap, just take those corners easy.  Its like ice skating!

Be careful out there!  The commute home to Rogers Park along Sheridan was pretty scary even in the early afternoon, especially the curve between Chicago and Evanston.  They had to close that stretch at 10pm due to wind and snow drifts.  I biked some groceries home later yesterday and my bike toppled over when I was walking it.  Thankfully the snow kept my beer bottles from breaking!  Hope you all find some plowed road somewhere because there isn't a whole lot up here.
Good shoveling karma to you, Phil. Now that I know Copenhagen is open I'll have somewhere to hang out today.

Phil Marmet said:

What a great day for riding!  I was admittedly late to work this morning after shoveling out my pregnant neighbor.  (I hope the baby can hold off for a few days)

No traction on side streets, snow past BB. had to jog down the tires ruts pushing my machine.

North was empty so riding down the middle was fine.  Saw a bunch of folks walking in the street coming from the Jewel, felt a little like the "day after tomorrow" if you know the film.


narrow tire fixed gear city bikes can still work in this crap, just take those corners easy.  Its like ice skating!


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