Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I broke a sweat just keeping balance riding five miles an hour. It's weird how snow rides are such a work out at such slow speeds. I guess it activates muscles you don't normally use and gives your brain a lot of extra processing to do. My moment of zen for the day was realizing that slipping is not losing control; it's just another way of harnessing your momentum. Somehow that thought let me keep digging into the slips and slides somehow finding my way back to balance. Good times.
Damen, i saw a plow south bound. North bound wasn't plowed. With the wind it didn't seem to matter though.

Jason Smajda said:
Halsted was the same for my ride home. The street was plowed and all the shit pushed into the bike lane.

Gabe said:
Awesome ride home. Damen was like a zoo: Full of monkeys in cages and covered in shit! ;-)

Number of times wind blew me down = zero

Number of times wind almost blew me down = stopped counting!

This was brutal.


What a weather.


Left the house at 1:00 pm for dog walks, riding toward Bucktown from Logan Square wondering if all the reports were just fake Armageddon alarmist b.s. It was windy, but ... uh...honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal.


As you know, it went bonkers by the late afternoon!


Left last dog client's place at Addison and Milwaukee at around 2:45. After the dog walk, it took 40 minutes to get to Revolution (at Milwaukee and California) where we imbibed and rode home on Lyndale fishtaling and laughing the whole way home. (I have an out of town guest who had no qualms about riding today.) I have to admit I was totally motivated because I had a willing co-conspirator to ride with today.


Back at the ranch, we both admitted to being entirely inspired  by the hoots and hollers from the window of the Rat Patrol house on Lyndale--"YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! WOOOOOO Wooooo!!" If any of you folks are reading--thanks for cheering us on tonight!


That was scary, crazy and fun!


I think it's official. I kinda love bicycling in the winter.


Be safe out there.



As compared to when it's full of monkeys preening each other?

Gabe said:
Awesome ride home. Damen was like a zoo: Full of monkeys in cages and covered in shit! ;-)
I rode in and my bottom bracket finally went out, 2 blocks from work so I didn't ride home but given the tail wind I would have had I probably could have done it without pedaling.
Yes, I did ride (like a fool). Left the office a 3pm, home by 4:00 for a lousy 7 mile commute. Not too cold, but wind and unplowed streets made it challenging, in particular in Skokie.
I rode home at 4:30pm from Evanston to Uptown, and the tail wind was pretty forceful at some points.  I sloshed around quite a bit but never fell over, just rode standing up most of the way for better balance.  This morning was nothing compared to the way home. My ski goggles really helped this time.
I rode, it was crazy windy but I managed OK.
Today I rode, sideways mostly. Thank goodness for thick tires and upright jommetry.

Steven Lane said:
I broke a sweat just keeping balance riding five miles an hour. It's weird how snow rides are such a work out at such slow speeds. I guess it activates muscles you don't normally use and gives your brain a lot of extra processing to do. My moment of zen for the day was realizing that slipping is not losing control; it's just another way of harnessing your momentum. Somehow that thought let me keep digging into the slips and slides somehow finding my way back to balance. Good times.


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