Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I earn stupid points. I rode today in the am through the snow on Ogden and south west of Western I shamefully salmoned on that Ogden side passage by the film studios/kurtzon shipping. Please karma don't kick my posterior.
After the crazy forecast I made plans to catch a ride to work. Should have rode because the roads appeared just as clear as yesterday. Actually looking forward to the Divvy ride tonight.

I rode from Evanston. First cold ride. First snow ride. No problems really.

Side streets in Rogers Park and Edgewater were slushy. Cab ran the red light at Sheridan and Ardmore. Northern stretch of the LFT was salted within an inch of its life. It would have been suicidal for any snowflake to try landing there. Further south there was a light coating of snow, nothing too bad. Closed at Fullerton, so I worked my way over to Wells and came in there. Traffic was unexpectedly light, especially as I didn't reach Wells and North Ave until 7:30.

The only issue was my hands were a bit cold until I could really get the cranks turning on LFT, and this bike currently has no fenders (were moved to the fixed gear commuter), so my shoes and backside got wet. I have a gift certificate for Bucephalus though, so I know how I'll be spending it.

Nice lady at the front desk of the health club in our building said, "You rode today? Oh my gosh!" :-)

I'll wait until later to decide if I'm going to ride home. Depends on snowfall and temps.

Overdressed & used studs.  I was worried at first, because most of Portage/Jefferson Park is just slushy, but Forest Glen did not disappoint.  Unsalted back streets, so the studs were needed.

Hope we get some nice single digits on the way home. I haven't ridden below 11F before, so I'm hoping for a nice record setting ride.

I rode today. Was a little messy but drivers were courteous when I needed to take the lane. Saw 7 or 8 others on Milwaukee. I expected it to be really code, but it was rather comfortable, thanks to a tail wind. Tonight should be a different story.

I took the train, but was kind of regretting it when I saw some of the streets from above.  Might Divvy home, but I'm worried about black ice when the temps drop to single digits this evening.

Nice easy ride. Side streets were slippery this morning so I took the main ones. Motorists were pretty decent when I did need to take the lane.

I rode today.  The ride to the north was brutal because of the headwind. Streets were pretty good though. The ride home with the tailwind was better, but I almost got nailed by a Flood Brothers garbage truck.  That guy squezed me into a very tight spot. Beneath me was snow and ice, and rough, potholled pavement. To my left (I could have touched it with ease) was the big truck bearing down on me. And to my right was a row of parked cars that I was practicly touching with my handlebars.  If some one had opened a door, I would have been screwed.  Never a dull moment during bike winter!

I did not. Too much packed snow on my regular route and that would have forced me to main roads. The streets were snow and ice covered and for some reason I did not feel like losing control in front of vehicle that was also having difficulties.

I rode home from work tonight, having left my bike there yesterday. Cold, but not terrible, with a tailwind. Prairie Path through Maywood and Bellwood was partially cleared, and rideable with caution.

Rode home from downtown after a concert that ended at 10:30 (in a skirt! with layers). Holy shite it was cold, but it was fun and ultimately fine! Definitely NEED goggles, though; vision blurred at about mile 3 and then became obstructed by the lashcicles. When I arrived home, it was 2° with a "realfeel" of -11. 

The worst part of such a cold ride is that now I can't sleep - otherwise, totally doable and I even recommend it!


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