Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I should have ridden today.  My usual 30 minute blue line trip took 50 today due to faulty equipment.  Ice and/or snow be damned, I will be riding my bike tomorrow.  Forgot how much I hate taking the train.  

Short 1 mile ride today so i didn't wear the face mask.  I forgot what a frozen beard felt like.  It brought a smile to my face (as did passing through the (car) traffic jam at irving & lake shore).

I Divvied. Walked over the river on Monroe as I was afraid of wiping out on the metal grates (though maybe less likely with Divvy's thick tires).

I did 6 miles this morning. Going South was rather painfull, but other than that it wasnt that bad.

Nice ride up to Evanston. Some slick spots so was glad to be on the cross bike and not my road bike.

For those that don't know Gene, here is an interesting article about him:

I rode today. Probably going to take tomorrow off due to the overnight snow forecast.

lovely ride from Evanston to Lincoln Park today. I was actually a bit overdressed.

I Rode today on my usual commuter and took some air out of the tires for traction. Half of the bike lines were covered in snow and ice, so I had to take the lane. That only lead to one angry honk :).

There was at least one small plow doing bike lanes and sidewalks on W Franklin Blvd (does anyone else commute over there?). Hurray! 

I know Gene, and the article was still interesting. :-)  Nice article, but I have never seen the "flamenco".  Isn't it distracting to ride with a dancer floating around above your head?

Duppie said:

For those that don't know Gene, here is an interesting article about him:

yesterday it wasn't....
Jenn_5.5 mi said:

I Divvy'd.

I had everything ready to go on my bike, then chickened out after I walked the dogs in single digit temps this morning.... Too bad I put my wallet with my CTA pass inside my pannier and forgot to grab it so I got to ride anyway to fetch it up! I was not dressed for the chill. 

Is Wells (between Lincoln & the Loop) clean yet?? I am ready to be back on bike but after taking so many falls before Thanksgiving I have been stupid nervous. 

That rat-a-tat-tat of flamenco shoe on helmet is very distracting, but better than flamingo poop.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I know Gene, and the article was still interesting. :-)  Nice article, but I have never seen the "flamenco".  Isn't it distracting to ride with a dancer floating around above your head?


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